History Titles
Print this catalogue?$ 25Kingston Splendid Heritage Mika, Nick and Helma
Belleville; 1989, Mika. First Edition. HC 4to oblong.
$ 12The Slopes of the Andes. Four Essays on the Rural Myth in Ontario. [NEW] MacGillivray, Royce.
Belleville, Ontario; 1990, Mika. First Edition. 191 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 10Frontenac at Cataraqui 1673 - 1973. [FIRST ED., NEW] O'Brien, R. A.
Belleville, Ontario; 1975, Mika. First Edition. 84 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 15Belleville Centenary Flashback. [FIRST ED., NEW] Mika, Nick and Helma
Bellevillle, Ontario; 1978, Mika. First Edition. 80 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 12Belleville The Seat of Hastings County. [NEW] Mika, Nick and Helma
Belleville, Ontario; 1986, Mika. First Edition. 96 pp. Softcover 4to.
$ 15PETTICOAT WARFARE. A story based on one woman's truth based and dedicated to her former comrades-in-petticoates, both living and dead. [NEW] Tierney, Ruth
Belleville, Ontario; 1984, Mika. First Edition. 82 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 10A History of the Byelorussians in Canada. Sadouski, John.
Belleville, Ontario; 1981, Mika. First Edition. 148 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30Splendid Heritage. Historical Buildings of Ontario Mika, Nick and Helma
Belleville, Ontario; 1992, Mika. First Edition. 144 pp. HC small 4to square.
$ 20A Dream Accomplished. The Founding of the Belleville General Hospital Mika, Nick and Helma
Belleville, Ontario; 1985, Mika. First Edition. 76 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 20A-Rafting on the Mississippi Russell, Charles Edward
New York; 1928, Century Co. 357 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 35Islands: Their Lives, Legends, and Lore Manley, Seon and Robert
Philadelphia; 1970, Chilton Book Company. First Edition. 382 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Edinburgh Year Book, 1955
Edinburgh; 1955, Scott Hamilton. 224 pp. Cloth 4to.
$ 50Men of the R. A. F. Forty Portraits with Some Account of Life in the R. A. F. Rothenstein, Sir William and Lord David Cecil
London; 1942, Oxford University Press. First Edition. 134 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 45Herefordshire. The King's England Series Mee, Arthur
London; 1948, Hodder and Stoughton. ix, 218 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 20Balliol College. Reprinted from The Victoria History of the Counties of England. Oxfordshire Volume III
Oxford; n. d., Oxford University Press. p. 82 to 95. Softcover 4to.
$ 30Rückkehr der Götter. Die Aufzeichnungen der Azteken über den Untergang ihres Reiches. Leon-Portilla, Miguel und Renate Heuer, Hrsg.
Köln und Opladen; 1962, Middelhauve. First Edition. 152 pp. Oln. 8vo.
$ 40African Politics and British Policy in the Gold Coast 1868-1900. A study in the forms and force of protest. Legon History Series Agbodeka, Francis
London, Evanston; 1971, Longman, Northwestern University Press. First Edition. x, 206 pp. HC large 8vo.
$ 30Asante and Its Neighbours 1700-1807. [NEW] Fynn, J. K.
London, Evanston; 1971, Longman, Northwestern University Press. First Edition. xiii, 175 pp. HC large 8vo.
$ 12.50Industry in Africa. Ewing, A. F. , With a Foreword by Robert Gardiner.
London, ; 1968, Oxford University Press. First Edition. xv, [1] 189 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35The Diary of a Surgeon in the Year 1751-1752. Knyveton, John. Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries; Doctor of Medicine of the University of Aberdeen; Teacher of Midwifery to & Man Mid-Wife in Infirmary Hall; Surgeon's Mate, H.M.S. Lancaster. Edited & Transcribed by Ernest Gray
New York; 1938, Appleton-Century. xiv, 322 pp. HC 8vo.