History Titles
Print this catalogue?$ 20Adelsherrschaft im Mittelalter. Sonderausgabe MCMLXVII. (NEW) Dungern, Otto Freiherr von.
Darmstadt; 1967, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 78 1 pp. Oln. 12mo.
$ 15Princeps und Populus. Die Gefolgschaft im ottonischen Staatsaufbau nach den sachsischen Geschichtsschreibern des 10. Jahrhunderts. Plassmann, Joseph Otto,
Gottingen; 1954, Gottinger Verlagsanstalt. First Edition. 160 pp. brosch. 8vo.
$ 125World Review 1952 January, February, June, July, November, December. various contributors,
London, ; 1952, World Review, Edward Hulton. ca. 74 pp. ea. Softcover 4to.
$ 195Physic and Fiction. [Fine Bindings] Sprigge, S. Squire.
Lodon; 1921, Hodder and Stoughton. First Edition. xi, 307 pp. Leather 8vo.
$ 20Die Bibliothek der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart 1962. Mit einer Darstellung ihrer Geschichtevon Prof. Dr. jur.Paul Gehring. Gehring, Paul, Hrsg. von Bibliotheksdirektor Dr. Manfred Koschlig.
Stuttgart; 1962, Bibliothek der Technischen Hochschule. First Edition. 265 pp. Oln. 8vo, 23,5x18,5 cm.
$ 7.50Modern Constitutions. Opus 11 Oxford Paperbacks University Series. Wheary, K. C.
London; 1966, , Oxford University Press. vii, 150 pp. Softcover 12mo.
$ 7.50What Kind of Europe? The Community since de Gaulle's Veto. Camps, Miriam.
London; 1963, Oxford University Press. First Edition. x, 140 pp. Softcover 16mo.
$ 10Der Mensch ist dumm! Satirische Bilder aus der Geschichte der menschlichen Dummheiten. In deutscher Bearbeitung und mit Anmerkungen von Dr.Rudolf Berger. Richet, Charles.
n.p.[Berlin]; 1922, Verlag Neues Vaterland, E. Berger & Co. First Edition. 127 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 28Le pays insoupconné. Essai. Clift, Dominique.
n.p. [Montreal]; 1987, Libre Expression. First Edition. 264, [4] pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 12Chinchilla. Leitfaden zur praktischen Ausübung. Rasp, Renate.
Reinbek; 1973, Rowohlt. 89, [7] ppl. brosch. 12mo.
$ 45Floodtides of Fortune. The Story of Stratford and the Progress of the City Through two Centuries. Leitch, Adelaide.
Stratford, ON; 1980, The City of Stratford. First Edition. ix, 310 pp. HC small 4to.
$ 20The Life of Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada 1823-1889. A Study of Influence and Obscurity. Knapp, Frank Averill Jr..
Austin; 1951, The University of Texas Press. First Edition. ix, 292 pp. HC small 4to.
$ 50First Stage. The Making of the Stratford Festival. [Signed] Patterson, Tom, and Allan Gould.
Toronto; 1987, McClelland & Stewart. Signed Edition. 224 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 300DICAMUS ET LABYRINTHOS. A Philologist's Notebook. Schafer, R. Murray.
Bancroft, ON.; 1984, Arcana Editions. Signed Edition. 10 pp. Introduction, rest unpaginated (ca. 140 pp). HC 8vo.
$ 85F. L. Smidth & Co. 1882-1922. Riisager, Knudage.
Kobenhavn; 1921, Trykt i Langkjaers Bogtrykkeri. First Edition. [viii], 268 pp. plus plans. HC 4to, 28x22,5 cm.
$ 35Menasse ben Israels Rettung der Juden. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Moses Mendelssohn (Berlin 1782). ben Israel, Menasse.
Berlin; 1919, Welt-Verlag. First thus. 63 pp. kart. 12mo.
$ 25The University of Michigan. Illustrated by Photographs and Four Etchings by the Author. Shaw, Wilfred. General Secretary of the Alumni Association and Editor of The Michigan Alumnus.
New York; 1920, Harcourt, Brace and Howe. First Edition. x, 364 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 750Vasco de Gama ou l'épopée des Portugais aux Indes. Texte de Jean-Paul Alaux, Illustré d'aquarelles de Gustave Alaux, Peintre de la Marine et de Documents Anciens. Alaux, Jean-Paul.
Paris, ; 1931, Editions Duchartre, Collection du Galion D'or. Limited Edition. XXXII, 282, [2] pp. HC large 4to.
$ 30ЖУРИАЛ МОСКОВСКОИ ПАТРИАРХИИ, Jurnal Moskovskoi Patriarchii. [Moscow Patriarchial Journal]. 1964, No. 2, 10, 12.
Moscow; 1964, 80, 80, 80 pp. Softcover large 8vo.
$ 30Organists and Organ Playing in Nineteenth-Century France and Belgium. Ochse, Orpha.
Bloomington, IN; 1994, Indiana University Press. First Edition. xii, 270 pp. HC 8vo.