Children’s & Picture Books Titles
Print this catalogue?$ 215Gallery of Engravings and Stories for the Young. -
Glasgow; n.d. [ca 1865], MacLure and MacDonald, Engravers to the Queen. 46 pp. HC small folio, 31x25,5cm.
$ 265Das richtige Himmelblau. Der Maschinenknabe und andere neue Geschichten. Balázs, Béla
Berlin-Grunewald; 1931, Williams & Co. Verlag. 216 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 750Bergmanns Bunte Bücher Bd. 1, 2, 3. [Illustrationen WALTER TRIER] Colman, Fred A. und Walter Trier
Dresden; 1932, Bergmann Zigarettenfabrik. ca. 80 pp x3. brosch. 20,5x11,5 cm.
$ 50Deutsche Wiegenlieder. Fraungruaber, Hans
Wien - Leipzig; n.d. (ca. 1917), Gerlach und Wiedling Gerlachs Jugendbuecherei. 96 pp. HC 15,2x14cm.
$35The Poppykettle Papers. [NEW] Ingpen, Robert and Michael Lawrence:
London; 1999, Pavillion Books. First Edition. 120pp. HC long 8vo, 20x26,5cm.
$ 125Die Konferenz der Tiere - nach einer Idee von Jella Lepman. Kästner, Erich - Kaestner
München; [1950]., Kurt Desch Verlag. unpag. [62 pp]. HC 4to.
$ 1250DAS VERHEXTE TELEFON. (signiert, mit Briefmarke zu. Kästners 100. Geburtstag. Kästner, Erich - Kaestner [signiertes Widmungsexemplar].
Berlin-Grunewald; 1931, Williams & Co. Verlag. Signed Edition. unpaginated, 20 pp. HC 4to.
London, ; n. d. ca. 1910, Thomas Nelson and Sons. First thus. 95 pp. HC small 4to, 23 x 17 cm, .
$ 20Beyond the Rainbow Warrior. A Collection of Stories to Celebrate 25 Years of Greenpeace. Morpurgo, Michael, Edited by:
London; 1996, Pavillion Books. 144 pp. Softcover 8vo, 24x19cm.
$ 45Carlos und Nicolas. Schmied, Rudolf Johannes
Berlin; 1930, Erich Reiss Verlag. 251 pp. HC 4to.
$ 25PIMPORELLO. Illustrated by the Author. Adapted and Edited by Robert Hammond. [NEW] Marceau, Marcel.
London; 1991, Peter Owen. First British Edition. 88 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Die Schildbürger. Ein heiteres Buch von ihren Streichen und Taten. Hrabe, F. Ed., Bilder von C. Storch:
Winterberg, Prag; o.J., n.d., J. Steinbrener. 32 pp. HC 4to.
$ 30James Watt, der Erfinder. Ein Lebensbild für die Jugend und das Volk. W. O. v. Horn.
New York; 1868, E. Steiger. 65 pp plus 4 pp catalogue. HC 16mo, 14,5 x 10 cm.
$ 25Deutsche Schwänke. Bilder von Siegmund von Suchodolski.
Wien, Leipzig; [1917], Gerlach und Wiedling. First Edition. 107 pp. Oln. 15x13,5 cm.
$ 195A House to Let. Molesworth, Mrs.
London; n.d. [ca. 1890], Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. First Edition. 96 pp. HC 4to, 23x18cm.
$ 250The Songs of Father Goose for the Kindergarten, the Nursery and the Home. Baum, L. Frank, Verse, Music by Alberta N. Hall, pictures by Wm W. Denslow.
Chicago; 1900, George M. Hill. First Edition. unpaginated [84]. HC 4to.
$ 225Tom Seven Years Old. [Illustrated by Kate Greenaway] Russell, H. Rutherfurd.
London; 1876, Marcus Ward. 245 plus 12 pp catalogue. HC 12mo.
$ 18.50Canadian Books for Young People. Livres canadiens pour la jeunesse 4th edition Gagnon, André and Ann Gagnon, edited.
Toronto; 1988, University of Toronto Press. 186 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 38The Days of Christ's Coming. Illustrated by Fritz Wegner Sayers, Dorothy L.
London; 1960, Hamish Hamilton. First Edition. unpaginated [30]. HC 12mo.
$ 40A Christmas Tree. Pictured in Colour by H. M. Brock. Dickens, Charles.
n.p. [London]; n.d. [ca.1910], Hodder & Stoughton. 40 pp. HC 8vo, 19,5 x 15 cm.