German Literature in Translation Titles
Print this catalogue?$ 125The Monk And the Hangman's Daughter Bierce, Ambrose [Translated from the German of Richard Voss and adapted by A. B.]
New York; 1967, The Limited Editions Club. Signed Edition. 83 pp. Cloth 4to.
$ 75Franz Kafka. A Biography Brod, Max
London, ; 1947, Secker & Warburg. First British Edition. 183 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 10Science Student's Guide to the German Language. NEW Cunningham, A. F.
London; 1962, Oxford University Press. XIII, 186 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 28German Expressionist Prose. Theory and Practice. [NEW] Dierick, Augustinus.
Toronto; 1987, University of Toronto Press. First Edition. xi, 328 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Homer and the Nibelungenlied. Comparative Studies in Epic Style. [NEW] Fenik, Bernhard.
Cambridge, MA, London; 1986, Harvard University Press. First Edition. xvi, 211 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Anna's Art. the fraktur art of Anna Weber, a Waterloo County Mennonite artist 1814-1888. Good, E. Reginald:
Kitchener, On.; 1976, Pochauna. First Edition. 48 pp. HC 4to 26x26 cm.
$ 25The Uncorrupted Heart. Journal and Letters of Frederick Julius Gustorf 1800-1845. Gustorf, Frederick Julius. Edited, with Introduction and Notes by Fred Gustorf, Translated From the German by Fred Gustorf and Gisela Gustorf
Columbia, Missouri; 1969, University of Missouri Press. First Edition. 182 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Bettina. A Portrait. Helps, Arthur and Elizabeth Jane Howard.
London; 1957, Chatto and Windus. First Edition. 223 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30Thomas Mann's "Goethe and Tolstoy. Notes and Sources. Koelb, Clayton, ed.
Alabama; 1984, University of Alabama Press. First Edition. x, 255 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 28.50The Army, Politics and Society in Germany, 1933-45. Studies in the Army's Relation to Nazism. Mueller, Klaus-Juergen:
Manchester; 1987, Manchester University Press. First British Edition. ix, 122 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30Leni Riefenstahl: A Memoir. Riefenstahl, Leni
New York; 1993, St. Martin's. 669 pp. HC
$ 45German Expressionism. Documents from the End of the Wilhelmine Empire to the Rise of National Socialism. Washton Long, Rose-Carol, Ed. & annotated by,
New York; 1993, G. K. Hall. First Edition. xxiv, 349 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Die Schildbürger. Ein heiteres Buch von ihren Streichen und Taten. Hrabe, F. Ed., Bilder von C. Storch:
Winterberg, Prag; o.J., n.d., J. Steinbrener. 32 pp. HC 4to.
$ 25Deutsche Schwänke. Bilder von Siegmund von Suchodolski.
Wien, Leipzig; [1917], Gerlach und Wiedling. First Edition. 107 pp. Oln. 15x13,5 cm.
$ 35Stefan George: A Study of his Early work. University of Colorado Studies. Series in Language and Literature No. 7 Goldsmith, Ulrich K.
Boulder; 1959, University of Colorado Press. First Edition. vii, 172 pp. Softcover 4to.
$ 7.50Berlin seit dem Kriegsende. Peitsch, Helmut und Rhys W. Williams, Edited with introduction and notes by
Manchester and New York; 1989, Manchester University Press. 159 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 140Das Nibelungenlied und Die Klage. Handschrift C der F. F. Hofbibliothek Donaueschingen. Kommentar bearbeitet von Heinz Engels
Stuttgart; 1968, Müller und Schindler. 48, 114 + 114 verso S. . HC 4to.
$ 25German Foreign Policy 1917-1933. Continuity or Break? Lee, Marshall & Wolfgang Michalka
Leamington Spa - Hamburg - New York; 1987, Berg. First Edition. 180 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20The army, politics and society in Germany, 1933-45. Studies in the army's relation to Nazism. Müller, Klaus-Jürgen.
Manchester; 1987, Manchester University Press. First British Edition. ix, 122 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 350Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch - German-Canadian Yearbook Vol. I to XI Froeschle, Hartmut, Lothar Zimmermann, Karin Guerttler, Editors
Toronto; 1973 - 1998, Historical Society of Mecklenburg Upper Canada / University of Toronto Press. First Edition. ca. 300 plus pp ea. HC 8vo.