Biography & Autobiography Titles
Print now$ 45A. Woollcott: His Life and His World. Adams, Samuel Hopkins
New York; 1945, Reynal & H itchcock. 386 pp. Cloth
$ 25Israfel: The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe Allen, Hervey
New York; 1934, Farrar & Rinehart. 748 pp. Cloth
$ 10Only One Year Alliluyeva, Svetlana
London; 1969, Hutchison & Co. 415 pp. Cloth
$ 22Trelawny. Armstrong, Margaret
New York; 1940, MacMillan. 379 pp. Cloth
$ 30Fanny Kemble. A Passionate Victorian. Armstrong, Margaret
New York; 1938, MacMillan. 387pp. Leather
$ 29.95With Love From Butch. A Stratford Actor. [Mervyn (Butch) Blake]. Ashley, Audrey M.
Ripples, New Brunswick; 1999, AB Collector Publishing. First Edition. 246 pp., . Softcover 23x17cm.
$ 381826 Journal of John James Audubon. Audubon, John James
New York; 1987, Abbeville Press. 447 pp. Cloth 23.5 x 15.5 cm.
$ 28Sun and Shadow. An Autobiography. Foreword by Francois Truffaut. Aumont, Jean-Pierre.
New York; 1977, Norton. 315 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35In Extremis: The Life of Laura Riding. Baker, Deborah
New York; 1993, Grove. First Edition. 478 pp. HC
$ 8Growing Up. Baker, Russell
New York; 1983, New American Library. 278 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 18The Good Times Baker, Russell.
New York; 1989, William Morrow. First Edition. 351pp. HC
$ 20Stevie. A Biography of Stevie Smith Barbera, Jack and William McBrien
London; 1985, Papermac - Macmillan. 378 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 25Memories. Barrymore, Ethel
New York; 1955, Harper & Brothers. 310 pp. Leather
$ 40Uncle Joe Little. Life and Memoirs of Joseph Russell Little. Bartlett, L.
Toronto; 1903, William Briggs. First Edition. xv, 16-251 pp. Cloth 12mo.
$ 18Aaron Copland Berger, Arthur
New York; 1953, Oxford University Press. First Edition. 120 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 20My Father the Actor. Bernardi, Jack
New York; 1971, Norton. 233 pp. Cloth
$ 40The Life and Work of Harold Pinter Billington, Michael
London; 1996, Faber and Faber. 414 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 30Wartime Chronicle: Vera Brittain's Diary 1939-1945 Bishop, Alan and Y. Aleksandra Bennett eds.
London; 1989, Victor Gollancz. 352 pp. Cloth
$ 20Life of David Livingstone Blaikie, William Garden
London; 1880, 1911, John Murray. 412 pp. Cloth
$ 20Part of a Long Journey: Eugene O'Neill as a Young Man in Love Boulton, Agnes
New York; 1958, Doubleday. 331 pp. Cloth
$ 15.95Beginning. Branagh, Kenneth:
London; 1989, Chatto & Windus. 244 pp. Softcover 12mo.
$ 15Finding Words. A Writer's Memoir. [SIGNED] Brandis, Marianne.
n.p. [Manotick, Ontario]; 2000, Penumbra Press. Signed Edition. 240 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 16.50Jose Marti. Apostel des freien Amerika. Schnelle, Kurt.
Köln; 1981, Pahl-Rugenstein. First Edition. 128 S. Oln. 8vo.
$ 25Damon Runyon: A Life Breslin, Jimmy
Boston; 1991, Ticknor & Fields. 410 pp. HC
$ 30Between Friends: The Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy 1949-1975 Brightman, Carol, ed.
New York; 1995, HBJ. First Edition. 412 pp. Cloth
$ 75Franz Kafka. A Biography Brod, Max
London, ; 1947, Secker & Warburg. First British Edition. 183 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 20Worlds of Robert E. Sherwood. Mirror to His Times. Brown, John Mason
New York; 1965, Harper & Row. 411pp. Cloth
$ 15Last Tiffany: A Biography of Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham Burlingham, Michael John
New York; 1989, Atheneum. 364 pp. HC
$ 25Many Lives, One Love Butcher, Fanny
NewYork; 1972, Harper & Row. 463 pp. Cloth
$ 45Memoirs of the Private Life of Marie Antoinette to which are added personal recollections illustra- tive of the reigns of Louis XIV, XV, XVI Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette
New York; 1917, 1934, Tudor Publishing Co. 459 pp. Cloth
$ 75Livingstone: A New Biography Campbell, R.J.
London; 1929, Ernest Benn. 370 pp. Cloth
$ 25Name Above the Title Capra, Frank
New York; 1971, MacMillan. 513 pp. Cloth
$ 30William Golding. The Man and his Books. A Tribute on his 75th Birthday Carey, John, ed.
London; 1986, Faber & Faber. First Edition. 191 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 20Young Melbourne Cecil, David
London; 1939, Constable. 278 pp. Cloth
$ 12.95Sky: Memoirs. Cendrars, Blaise.
New York; 1996, Marlowe & Co. ix, 307 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 20Cecilia Bartoli. The Passion of Song. Chernin, Kim and Renate Stendhal
New York; 1997, Harper Collins. 234 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 75Reminiscences of a Dramatic Critic. With an Essay on the Art of Henry Irving. Clapp, Henry Austin
Boston, New York; 1902, Houghton, Mifflin - The Riverside Press. First Trade Edition. VIII, 241 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 20Capote: A Biography. Clarke, Gerald
New York; 1988, Simon & Schuster. 632 pp. HC
$ 35Carlyle and His Contemporaries. Esays in honor of Charles Richard Sanders. Clubbe, John ed.
Durham, N.C.; 1976, Duke University Press. First Edition. xxiii, 371 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30Holy Terror: Andy Warhol Close Up. Colacello, Bob
New York; 1990, Harper Collins. First Edition. 514 pp. HC
$ 50Life and Times of the Right Honourable Sir John A. MacDonald, Premier of the Dominion of Canada. Collins, J. E.
Toronto; 1883, Rose Publishing Co. xii, 642 pp. Quarter Leather 8vo.
$ 12.50Past Imperfect. An Autobiography. Collins, Joan
New York; 1984, Simon & Schuster. 358 pp. HC
$ 38Doctor Looks At Biography. Collins, Joseph
New York; 1925, George H. Doran. 344 pp. Cloth
$ 10Raffles. NEW Collis, Maurice;
London; 1966, Faber & Faber. 228 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 30Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn. Connell, Evan S.
San Francisco; 1984, North Point Press. 441 pp. HC
$ 35A Romantic Friendship: The Letters of Cyril Connolly to Noel Blakiston. Connolly, Cyril
London; 1975, Constable. 356 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 45Laurence Olivier. Cottrell, John
Englewood Cliffs, NJ; 1975, Prentice Hall. 433 pp. HC
$ 30Future Indefinite. Coward, Noel.
London; 1954, William Heinemann. First Edition. 336 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Firebrand: The Life of Horace Liverlight. Dardis, Tom
New York; 1995, Random House. 394pp. HC
$ 35Walking With Garbo. Conversations and Recollections. Daum, Raymond, edited and annotated by Vance Muse
New York; 1991, Harper Collins. 224 pp. HC 22x19.5cm.
$ 9.50Reprieve. A Memoir. De Mille, Agnes
New York; 1981, Doubleday. 209 pp. HC
$ 12Dance to the Piper. De Mille, Agnes
New York; 1952, Little Brown & Co. 256 pp. Cloth
$ 125The Last Abbe. With Illustrations by AD. Lalauze. Preface by Anatole France. De Musset, Pau.:
Paris; n.d., Societe des Beaux Arts. Limited Edition. xvii, 161 pp. Cloth small 4to.
$ 25Sublime Marlene. De Navacelle, Thierry
New York; 1984, St. Martin's Press. 158 pp. Cloth 29.5 x 23cm.
$ 25Films of Spencer Tracy. Deschner, Donald
New York; 1968, Citadel. 254 pp. Cloth 28.5 x 22cm.
$15Films of Marlene Dietrich. Dickens, Homer
New York; 1970, Citadel. 223 pp. HC 27.5 x 21.5cm.
$ 25Radclyffe Hall at the Well of Loneliness: A Sapphic Chronicle. Dickson, Lovat
London; 1975, Collins. 236 pp. Cloth
$ 30This Life I've Led. Didrikson Zaharias, Babe.
New York; 1955, A. S. Barnes. First Edition. 242 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 75Shadows on the Grass. Dinesen, Isak
London; 1960, Michael Joseph Ltd. First Edition. 106 pp. Cloth 8vo, .
$ 75Memory's wall. The Autobiography of Flora McCrea Eaton. With a Foreword by the Right Honourable Arthur Meighen. Eaton, Flora McCrea
Toronto; 1956, Clarke, Irwin. Signed Edition. 214 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 10Abba Eban: An Autobiography. Eban, Abba
New York; 1977, Random House. 628 pp. Cloth
$ 20Wallis. The Novel. Edwards, Anne
New York; 1991, William Morrow. First Edition. 478 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15Barbary General: The LIfe of William H. Eaton. Edwards, Samuel
Englewood Cliffs; 1968, Prentice-Hall. 277 pp. HC
$ 25Lord Byron's Wife. Elwin, Malcolm
London; 1962, 1974, John Murray. 556 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 30Lord Byron's Family. Annabella, Ada and Augusta 1816-1824. Elwin, Malcolm.
London; 1975, John Murray. First Edition. 252 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 15King of Paris. Endore, Guy
New York; 1956, Simon and Schuster. 504 pp. HC
$ 18Zolatan Kodaly. Eoesce, Laszlo
London; 1962, Collet's. First British Edition. 183 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 250Lady Diana Beauclerk. Her Life and Work. Erskine, Steuart,
London; 1903, T. Fisher Unwin. First Edition. xvi, 316 pp. Cloth large 4to.
$ 30Things I Remember: An Autobiography. Erte
New York; 1975, Quadrangle. 208 pp. Cloth
$ 30Richard Rodgers. Ewen, David
New York; 1957, Henry Holt. 378 pp. HC
$ 40Fairbanks Album. Fairbanks, Douglas Jr.
Boston; 1975, NY Graphic Society. 287 pp. Cloth 31 x 24cm.
$ 20A Good Innings: The Private Papers of Viscount Lee of Fareham.[NEW] Fareham, Lee of. Clark, Alan, ed.
London; 1974, John Murray. xii, 360 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 15A Good Innings: The Private Papers of Viscount Lee of Fareham. Fareham, Lee of. Clark, Alan, ed.
London; 1974, John Murray. xii, 360 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 18.50Dylan Thomas: A Biography. Ferris, Paul
New York; 1977, Dial Press. 399 pp. HC
$ 15VN: The Life and Art of Vladimir Nabokov. Field, Andrew
London; 1987, Queene Anne Press. 417 pp. Cloth
$ 20Rainbow. The Stormy Life of Judy Garland. Finch, Christopher
New York; 1975, Grosset & Dunlop. 255 pp. HC 26.5 x 23.5cm.
$ 15Life of Dylan Thomas. Fitzgibbon, Constantine
Boston; 1965, Little Brown. 375 pp. Cloth
$ 15Fonda. My Life. Fonda, Henry w/ Howard Teichmann
New York; 1981, NAL. 372 pp. HC
$ 25Memoirs of a Victorian Gentleman. Forster, Margaret
New York; 1978, William Morrow. 389 pp. HC
$ 25Yeats, W. B., A Life I. The Apprentice Mage. Foster, R. F.
New York; 1998, Oxford. 640 pp. PB 8vo.
$ 10A Solo in Tom-Toms: The Story of A Rocky Mountain Boyhood and the Quest For a Father. Fowler, Gene
New York; 1946, Viking Press. 390 pp. HC
$ 19.95Goodnight, Sweet Prince. The Life and Times of John Barrymore. Fowler, Gene
San Francisco; 1989, Mercury House. 477 pp. HC
$ 25A Man Called Cervantes: A Biographical Novel. Frank, Bruno
New York; 1935, Viking. 301 pp. Cloth
$ 10In Hiding. The Life of Manuel Cortes. Fraser, Ronald,
London; 1972, Allen Lane. First Edition. XVI, 238 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW. AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Waters, Ethel and Charles Samuels.
Garden City,, New York; 1951, Doubleday. First Canadian Edition. 278 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 12Dietrich. The Story of a Star. Frewin, Leslie
New York; 1967, Stein and Day. 192 pp. HC
$ 22.95Encounter on the Narrow Ridge: A Life of Martin Buber. Friedman, Maurice
New York; 1991, Paragon. 496 pp. HC
$ 25William Hutt. A Theatre Portrait. Garebian, Keith.
Oakville, Ont.; 1988, Mosaic Press. First Edition. 366 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35Life of Carlyle. Garnett, Richard
London; 1887, Walter Scott. 185 pp. Cloth
$ 12Castrated. My Eight Months in Prison. Ginzburg, Ralph
New York; 1973, Avantgarde. First Edition. 35 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 40THE THIRD EYE. the Autobiography of a Tibetan Lama. Illustrated by Tessa Theobald. Rampa, Lobsang..
London; 1956, Secker & Warburg. First Edition. 256 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30Virginia Woolf: A Writer's Life. Gordon, Lyndall
London; 1984, Oxford UP. First Edition. 341 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 35Jeremy Taylor. Gosse, Edmund
New York; 1904, MacMillan. 234 pp. Cloth
$ 15Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen. Goubert, Pierre
New York; 1966, Pantheon. 350 pp. Cloth
$ 15Real F. Scott Fitzgerald Thirty-Five Years Later. Graham, Sheilah
New York; 1976, Grosset & Dunlop. 287 pp. Cloth
$ 20Margaret the First. Grant, Douglas
Toronto; 1957, U of Toronto Press. 253 pp. Cloth
$ 15Stella Benson: A Biography. Grant, Joy
London; 1987, MacMillan. 339 pp. Cloth
$ 40LOVE LETTERS TO BARUCH. Greene, Margaret Lawrence.
Torotnto; 1973, Musson Book Company. First Edition. (8) 103 pp. HC large 8vo, 26 x 17,5 cm.
$ 40The Obstacle Race. The Fortune of Women Painters And Their Work. Greer, Germaine
New York, ; 1979, Farrar, Straus and Giroux. First US Edition. 373 pp. Cloth large 8vo.
$ 165Wassily Kandinsky. Life and Work. Grohmann, Will
New York; 1958, Harry N. Abrams. 428 pp. Cloth 4to.
$ 20Garbo. Her Story. Gronowicz, Antoni
New York; 1990, Simon & Schuster. 476 pp. HC
$ 40Private World of Leonard Bernstein. Gruen, John
New York; 1968, Viking. 191 pp. HC
$ 25Herself Defined: The Poet H.D. and Her World. Guest, Barbara
New York; 1984, Doubleday. 360 pp. HC
$ 25Marion Davies. Guiles, Fred Lawrence.
New York; 1972, McGraw-Hill. xii, 419 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25The Uncorrupted Heart. Journal and Letters of Frederick Julius Gustorf 1800-1845. Gustorf, Frederick Julius. Edited, with Introduction and Notes by Fred Gustorf, Translated From the German by Fred Gustorf and Gisela Gustorf
Columbia, Missouri; 1969, University of Missouri Press. First Edition. 182 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Marie Stopes: A Biography. Hall, Ruth.
London; 1977, Andre Deutsch. First Edition. 351 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 10Markings. Hammarskjold, Dag
London; 1966, Faber and Faber. First thus. 186 pp. PB 12mo.
$ 15Markings. Hammarskjold, Dag
New York; 1964, Knopf. 222 pp. Cloth
$ 25Verlaine: Prince of Poets. Hanson, Lawrence and Elisabeth
London; 1958, Chatto & Windus. 368 pp. Cloth
$ 50Krieghoff. Harper, J. Russell
Toronto; 1979, University of Toronto Press. 204 pp. Cloth 4to 25x25cm.
$ 35Rupert Brooke. Hassall, Christopher
New York; 1964, Harcourt, Brace & World. 557pp. Cloth
$ 20Disturbing the Peace. Havel, Vaclav
New York; 1990, Knopf. 228 pp. HC
$ 12On Reflection. An Autobiography. Hayes, Helen
New York; 1968, M. Evans. 253 pp. HC
$ 7.50Loving Life. Promises and Problems, Pains and Joys. Hayes, Helen
New York; 1987, Doubleday. 178 pp. HC
$ 20Wissenschaft und Turbulenz. Der Lebensweg des W. F. Volbach aus Mainz. Heist, Walter, Hrsg., W. F. Volbach:
Mainz; 1972, Verlag Dr. Heinz Krach. First Edition. 62 pp. brosch. 4to 26,5x19cm.
$ 12Scoundrel Time Hellman, Lillian
Boston; 1976, Little Brown. 155 pp. Cloth
$ 25Bettina. A Portrait. Helps, Arthur and Elizabeth Jane Howard.
London; 1957, Chatto and Windus. First Edition. 223 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15King of Romance: A Portrait of Alexandre Dumas. Hemmings, F.W.J.
London; 1979, Hamish Hamilton. 231 pp. Cloth
$ 22Me. Stories of My Life. Hepburn, Katharine
New York; 1991, Alfred A. Knopf. 421 pp. Cloth
$ 16.50Making of the African Queen. Hepburn, Katharine
New York; 1987, Alfred A. Knopf. 134 pp. HC
$ 12Laura Z: A Life. Hobson, Laura Z.
New York; 1986, Donald I. Fine. 331 pp. HC
$ 40Lytton Strachey: The Unknown Years, The Years of Achievement 2 Vols. Holroyd, Michael
New York; 1967, Holt Rinehart & Winston. 475, 754 pp. Cloth
$ 125THE MEMOIRES OF HARRIETTE WILSON WRITTEN BY HERSELF. In Two Volumes. Illustrated Witith 32 Portraits From Contemporary Sources. Wilson, Harriette.
London, ; 1924, , Navarre Society. First Edition. vii, 347, (1), vii, to 695 (696) pp. HC large 8vo.
$ 60Note Book of Elbert Hubbard: Mottoes, Epigrams, Short Essays, Passages, Orphic Sayings and Preachments. Hubbard, Elbert II
New York; 1927, Wm. H. Wise & Co. 208 pp plus vi index. Cloth 4to 27x21,5cm.
$ 30Note Book of Elbert Hubbard: Mottoes, Epigrams, Short Essays, Passages, Orphic Sayings and Preachments. Hubbard, Elbert II
New York; 1927, Wm. H. Wise & Co. 208 pp plus vi index. Cloth 8vo 24x17cm.
$ 40Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Reformers.Vol. XXI. Hubbard, Elbert:
East Aurora, NY; 1907, Roycrofters Shop. 169 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Chopin. The Man and his Music. Huneker, James
New York; 1924, Charles Scribner's Sons. First Edition. 415 pp. Cloth 12mo.
$ 22An Open Book. Huston, John
New York; 1980, Alfred A. Knopf. 391pp. Cloth
$ 18Winslow Homer: America's Old Master. Hyman, Linda:
Garden City, N. Y., .; 1973, Doubleday. First Edition. 95 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 12That Great Lucifer: A Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh. Irwin, Margaret
Toronto; 1960, Clarke, Irwin and Co. 320 pp. Cloth
$ 25Jean Jaures: His Life and Work. Jackson, J. Hamden
London; 1943, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 204 pp. Cloth
$ 20Caesar: The Man. Jelusich, Mirko
New York; 1930, Richard R. Smith, Inc. 429 pp. Cloth
$ 30Charles Dickens: His Tragedy and Triumph. Johnson, Edgar
New York; 1952, Simon & Schuster. 1158 pp. Cloth
$ 75Life and Work of Sigmund Freud in 3 Vols. Jones, Ernest
New York; 1953, Basic Books. First US Edition. 428, 512, 537 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 15Edwardian Youth. Jones, L.E.
London; 1956, MacMillan. 249 pp. Cloth
$ 25D'Annunzio. Jullian, Philippe
New York; 1973, Viking. 366 pp. HC
$ 45Days With Ulanova. Kahn, Albert
London; 1962, Collins. 236 pp. Cloth 4to 29 x 21.5 cm.
$ 38Days With Ulanova. Kahn, Albert
New York; 1962, Simon & Schuster. 236 pp. Cloth 4to 29 x 21.5 cm.
$ 15New Orleans Woman: A Biographical Novel of Myra Clarke Gaines. Kane, Harnett T.
Garden City, NY; 1946, Doubleday. First Edition. 344 pp. Cloth 9 x 6.
$ 22Mark Twain and His World. Kaplan, Justin
New York; 1974, Simon and Schuster. 224 pp. Cloth
$ 25Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain. Kaplan, Justin
New York; 1966, Simon and Schuster. 424 pp. Cloth
$ 30You Might as Well Live. The Life and Times of Dorothy Parker. Keats, John
New York; 1970, Simon and Schuster. First Edition. 319 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 85Our Pioneer Heroes and Their Daring Deeds. The Lives and Famous Exploits of De Soto, Champlain, La Salle, Smith, Standish, Boone, Kenton, Brady, Crockett, Bowie, Houston, Carson, Harney, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Miles Crook, [etc.] Kelsey, D. M.
Philadelphia and St. Louis.; 1890, Scammell & Company. XVIII, 672 pp. Leather 8vo.
$ 20Shabunin Affair: An Episode in the Life of Leo Tolstoy. Kerr, Walter
Ithaca; 1982, Cornell UP. 205 pp. Cloth
$ 18.50Shelley: The Man and the Poet. King-Hele, Desmond
New York; 1960, Thomas Yoseloff. 390 pp. Cloth
$ 45Memoirs of Philippe de Commynes. Kinser, Samuel ed.
Columbia; 1969, U of SC Press. 368 pp. Cloth
$ 33Prince Rupert: Admiral and General-at-Sea. [NEW] Kitson, Frank.
London; 1998, Constable. First Edition. 336 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Peter Shaffer. Klein, Dennis A.
New York; 1993, Twayne. 261 pp. Cloth
$ 95Fuerst Bismarck, der Deutsche Reichskanzler. Ein Zeit- und Lebensbild fuer das deutsche Volk. Koeppen, Fedor von
Leipzig; 1876, Verlag von Otto Spamer. First Edition. 730 + XIII pp. Halbleder Small 4to.
$ 22Marlborough's Duchess:A Study in Worldliness. Kronenberger, Louis
New York; 1958, Knopf. 314 pp. Cloth
$ 30Max & Will: Max Beerbohm and William Rothenstein Their Friendship and Letters 1893 to 1945. Beerbohm, Max and William Rothenstein. Edited by Mary M. Lago and Karl Beckson.
London; 1975, John Murray. First Edition. xiv, 193 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 175Memoirs of an Art Dealer [vol. 1] + 2 [NEW] Laing, G. Blair
Toronto; 1979 vol. 1, 1982 vol. 2, McClelland and Stewart. 264 plus 213 pp. Cloth 4to.
$ 35Memoirs of an Art Dealer vol. 2. [NEW] Laing, G. Blair
Toronto; 1982, McClelland and Stewart. 213 pp. HC 4to.
$ 18.50Pushkin: Poet and Lover. Lambert, Lydia
London; 1947, Aldor. 238 pp. Cloth
$ 18Fanny Stevenson: A Romance of Destiny. Lapierre, Alexandra
New York; 1995, Carrol & Graf. 556 pp. HC
$ 12.99Fanny Stevenson: A Romance of Destiny. Lapierre, Alexandra
New York; 1995, Carrol & Graf. 556 pp. HC
$ 18Lindbergh of Minnesota: A Political Biography. Larson, Bruce L.
New York; 1973, HBJ. 363 pp. Cloth
$ 1200Louis XVI. Le Vicomte de Failloux:
Paris; 1840, Delloye. First Edition. 524 pp. Half Leather 4to.
$ 20F. Scott Fitzgerald. A Biography. Le Vot, André
Garden City, N.Y.; 1983, Doubleday. First US Edition. XIV, 393 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 36Moore: G.E. Moore and the Cambridge Apostles. Levy, Paul
London; 1979, Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 335 pp. Cloth
$ 20Ronsard: His Life & Times. Lewis, D.B. Wyndham
New York; 1944, Coward-McCann Sheed and Ward. First Edition. xi, 340 pp. Cloth 21.5 x 14.5 cm.
$ 33Jameses: A Family Narrative. Lewis, R.W.B.
New York; 1991, Farrar, Strauss and Co. 696 pp. HC
$ 75Spirit of St. Louis. Lindbergh, Charles
New York; 1953, Scribner's. 562 pp. Cloth
$ 25Cezanne: His Life and Art. Lindsay, Jack
London, Greenwich, CT; 1969, New York Graphic Society. 360 pp. Cloth 4to.
$ 8.50Year of Space. Linklater, Eric
London; 1953, 1954, Reprint Society. 319 pp. Cloth
$ 35Soer Therese of Lisieux. The Little Flower. An Autobiography. Lisieux, Soer Therese of
London; 1922, Burns, Oates and Washbourne. 448 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 22Life of Byron. Longford, Elizabeth
Boston; 1976, Little, Brown and Co. 237 pp. Cloth
$ 18Fatal Friendship: Marie Antoinette, Count Fersen, and the Flight to Varennes. Loomis, Stanley
New York; 1972, Doubleday. 367 pp. Cloth
$ 36Jules Verne. An Exploratory Biography. Lottman, Herbert R.
New York; 1996, St. Martin's Press. First Edition. XIV, 366 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Straight On Till Morning: The Biography of Beryl Markham. Lovell, Mary S.
New York; 1987, St. Martin's. xxiv, 408 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35Tennyson, Alfred. Lyall, Sir Alfred
London; 1902, MacMillan & Co. First Edition. 200 pp. Cloth 12mo.
$ 30The Memoirs of Lord Chandos. Lyttelton, Oliver Viscount Chandos:
New York; 1963, New American Library. First Edition. xvi, 430 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 12.50Dance While You Can. MacLaine, Shirley
New York; 1991, Bantam. 303 pp. HC
$ 28Letters of Archibald MacLeish 1907-1982. MacLeish, Archibald
Boston; 1983, Houghton Mifflin. 471 pp. Cloth
$ 650The Woman in Battle: A Narrative of the Exploits Adventures and Travels of...L.J.Velazquez. Madame Loreta Janeta Velazquez, otherwise known as Lieutenant Harry T. Buford, Confederate States Army.
Hartford; 1876, T. Belknap. First Edition. 606 pp. Leather 8vo.
$ 45Fools Crow. Mails, Thomas E.
Garden City, New York; 1979, Doubleday. 278 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30Daphne Du Maurier: Letters From Menabilly. Malet, Oriel ed.
London; 1993, Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 303 pp. Cloth
$ 145Frank Lloyd Wright To 1910: The First Golden Age. Manson, Grant Carpenter
New York; 1958, Reinhold Publishing Co. First Edition. 228 pp. Cloth 26.5 x 21cm.
$ 12Nicholas and Alexandra. Massie, Robert K.
New York; 1966, Atheneum. 613 pp. HC
$ 14.50I Remember, I Remember. Maurois, Andre
New York; 1942, Harper. 310 pp. Cloth
$ 30Voltaire. Maurois, Andre.
; 1932, Peter Davies Ltd. First British Edition. 158 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 28Outsiders: A Study in Life and Letters. Mayer, Hans
Cambridge; 1982, MIT Press. 434 pp. Cloth
$ 25How I Grew. McCarthy, Mary
San Diego; 1987, HBJ. 278 pp. HC
$ 25Bogey. The Films of Humphrey Bogart. McCarty, Clifford
New York; 1965, Bonanza Books. 191 pp. Cloth 28.5 x 22cm.
$ 28Me and Kit. McClintic, Guthrie
Boston; 1955, Little, Brown & Co. 341pp. HC
$ 18Victorian Outsider: A Biography of J.A.M. Whistler. McMullen, Roy
New York; 1973, E.P. Dutton. 307 pp. Cloth
$ 22Some Personal Views. Ed. by Rhoda Metraux. Mead, Margaret
New York; 1979, Walker & Company. First Edition. 286 pp with index. HC 8vo.
$ 45The Memoirs of Sir James Melville of Halhill. Melville, Sir James of Halhill, ed and with an introduction by Gordon Donaldson
London; 1969, The Folio Society. 184 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 50The Memoirs of Sir James Melville of Halhill. NEW Melville, Sir James of Halhill, ed and with an introduction by Gordon Donaldson
London; 1969, The Folio Society. 184 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 18Ich Kuss die Hand: The Letters of H.L. Mencken to Gretchen Hood. Mencken, H.L.
Alabama; 1986, U of Alabama Press. 150 pp. Cloth
$ 30Letters. Ed. by G. Selden-Goth. Mendelssohn, Felix
London; 1946, Paul Elek. First Edition. 373 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 110It Took Nine Tailors. Menjou, Adolphe and M. M. Musselman
New York; 1948, McGraw-Hill. Signed Edition. 238 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 10Afternoon Light. Some Memories of Men and Events. Menzies, Sir Robert
Melbourne; 1967, Cassell. First Edition. 384 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 22Witness to Freedom. Letters in Times of Crisis. Selected and edited by William H. Shannon Merton, Thomas
San Diego, London, New York; 1995, Harcourt Brace. First thus. XII, 352 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35Dancing in the Water of Life. The Journals of Thomas Merton Vo. 5, 1963-1965. Merton, Thomas - ed. Robert E. Daggy
San Francisco - New York; 1997, Harper San Francisco. First Edition. 363 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15Victoria Ocampo; Against the Wind and the Tide. Meyer, Doris
Austin, Texas; 1979, 1990, University of Texas Press. 314 pp. HC
$ 25Anne Sexton: A Biography. Middlebrook, Diane Wood
Boston; 1991, Houghton Mifflin. 488 pp. HC
$ 18Zelda: A Biography. Milford, Nancy
New York; 1970, Harper & Row. 446 pp. Cloth
$ 15Mark Twain in Love: The Story of the Unsuitable Suitor. Miller, Albert G.
New York; 1973, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. First Edition. 190 pp. Cloth 20.5 x 14cm.
$ 20Robert Browning: A Portrait. Miller, Betty
New York; (1972), Charles Scribner's Sons. First Edition. 302 pp. Cloth
$ 9.95Mailer: A Biography. Mills, Hilary
New York; 1982, Empire. 477 pp. HC
$ 22Muse in Love: Julie de Lespinasse. Mitchiner, Margaret
London; 1962, Bodley Head. 222 pp. Cloth
$ 55A Nisei Discovers Japan. Miyamoto, Dr. K.,
Tokyo; 1957, The Japan Times Press. Signed Edition. [Viii], 282 [286] pp. HC 12mo.
$ 27.95Reinventing Myself. Memoirs. Moore, Mavor
Toronto; 1994, Stoddart. 374 pp. HC
$ 35Niels Bohr: The Man, His Science, and the World They Changed. Moore, Ruth
New York; 1966, Alfred A. Knopf. First Edition. 436, VII pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 20Marlene Dietrich. Morley, Sheridan
London; 1976, Hamish Hamilton. 128 pp. HC
$ 15Alice Faye Movie Book. Moshier, W. Franklin
Harrisburg; 1974, Stackpole Books. 194 pp. HC 27.5 x 21.5cm.
$ 7.50Lindbergh: A Biography. Mosley, Leonard
New York; 1976, Doubleday. 446 pp. HC
$ 25Memories and Vagaries. Munthe, Axel
New York; 1930, E.P. Dutton. 257 pp. Cloth
$ 15Modern Man's Confession. Musset, Alfred de
London; , Collins. 299 pp. Cloth
$ 25Speak, Memory. Nabokov, Vladimir
New York; 1966, Putnam. 316 pp. Cloth
$ 20Lorenz Hart. A Poet on Broadway. Nolan, Frederick
New York; 1994, Oxford UP. 390 pp. HC
$ 15Honore de Balzac. Oliver, E.J.
London; 1964, Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 188 pp. Cloth
$ 15Last TIme I Saw Paris. Paul, Elliot
New York; 1943, Sun Dial Press. 421 pp. Cloth
$ 50Histoire D'Une Grande Dame Au XVIII Siecle: La Princesse Hélène de Ligne. [Vol. I. / see Vol. II La Comtesse Hélène Potocka] Perey, Lucien.
Paris, ; no date, ca 1870, Calmann-Levy, Editeurs. 488 pp. Quarter Leather 8vo, .
$ 50Histoire D'Une Grande Dame Au XVIII Siècle: La Comtesse Hélène Potocka. [Vol. II. / see Vol. I La Princesse Hélène de Ligne] Perey, Lucien.
Paris, ; n.d. ca 1870, Calmann-Levy, Editeurs. 499 pp. Half Leather 8vo, .
$ 45Sunshine and Shadow. Pickford, Mary
London; 1956, William Heinemann. 382 pp. Cloth
$ 120Marjorie Pickthall. A Book of Remembrance. Pierce, Lorne.
Toronto; 1925, The Ryerson Press. Signed Edition. 217 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Moth and the Star: A Biography of Virginia Woolf. Pippett, Aileen.
Boston; 1955, Little, Brown and Co. 368 pp. Cloth
$ 12Trailblazer. Negro Nurse in the American Red Cross. Pitrone, Jean Maddern
New York; 1969, Harcourt, Brace & World. First Edition. 191 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 85Letters Home: Correspondence 1950-1963. Plath, Sylvia
New York; 1975, Harper & Row. 502 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 25Roman by Polanski. Polanski, Roman
New York; 1984, William Morrow. 461pp. HC
$ 20Dear M. Letters from a Gentleman of Excess. Pollock, Jack
Toronto; 1989, McClelland & Stewart. First Edition. HC 8vo.
$ 50The Life and Times of Lord Strathcona. Preston, W.T.R.
Toronto; 1914, McClelland, Goodchild and Stewart. First Canadian Edition. 324 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 45The Life and Times of Lord Strathcona. Preston, W.T.R.
London; 1914, Eveleigh Nash. 324 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 18Machiavelli. Prezzolini, Giuseppe
New York; 1967, Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 372 pp. Cloth
$ 15Clear Pictures: First Loves, First Guides. Price, Reynolds
New York; 1989, Atheneum. 304 pp. Cloth
$ 15Low Notes on a High Level. A Frolic. Priestley, J. B.
London; 1954, William Heinemann. First Edition. 160 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 45Third Eye: The Autobiography of a Tibetan Lama. Rampa, Lobsang
London; 1956, Secker & Warburg. 256 pp. Cloth
$ 20In My Mind's Eye. Redgrave, Michael
London; 1983, Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 256 pp. HC
$ 27.50Anna Akhmatova: Poet and Prophet. Reeder, Roberta.
New York; 1995, Picador. 619 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 35Renoir: My Father. Renoir, Jean
London; 1962, Collins. 416 pp. Cloth
$ 12Renoir: My Father. Renoir, Jean
Boston; 1962, Little Brown. 465 pp. HC
$ 30Julian the Apostate. Ricciotti, Giuseppe
Milwaukee; 1960, Bruce Publishing Co. 275 pp. Cloth
$ 20Jesse: The Biography of an American Writer - Jesse Hilton Stuart. Richardson, H. Edward
New York; 1984, McGraw-Hill Book Company. First Edition. 548 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Enid Starkie. Richardson, Joanna:
London; 1973, John Murray. First Edition. 306 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Eminent Women of the West. Richey, Elinor
Berkeley; 1975, Howell-North Books. 276 pp. Cloth
$ 40Freud & Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation. Ricoeur, Paul
New Haven; 1970, Yale UP. 573 pp. Cloth
$ 20Voltaire and Sensibility. Ridgway, R.S.
Montreal; 1973, McGill and Queen's UP. 298 pp. Cloth
$ 30Leni Riefenstahl: A Memoir. Riefenstahl, Leni
New York; 1993, St. Martin's. 669 pp. HC
$ 15Velazquez: Painter of Truth and Prisoner of the King. Riggs, Arthur Stanley
New York; 1947, Bobbs-Merrill Co. 325 pp. Cloth
$ 15Jean Stafford: A Biography. Roberts, David
Boston; 1988, Little Brown. 494 pp. HC
$ 20We Knew Mary Baker Eddy. Robertson, A.L.,Lathrop, Newman, et. a. ed.
Bosto; 1943, The Christian Science Publishing Society. First Edition. 87 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 12.50Ludwig van Beethoven. Rolland, Romain.
Zürich; 1926, Rotapfel Verlag. 147 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 33.95Nothing Ever Happens to the Brave: The Story of Martha Gellhorn. Rollyson, Carl
New York; 1990, St. Martin's. 398 pp. Cloth
$ 20Beyond My Worth. Roth, Lillian
New York; 1958, Frederick Fell. First Edition. 317 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 16.50Prince of Players. Edwin Booth. Ruggles, Eleanor
New York; 1953, Norton. 401 pp. Cloth
$ 28Sublime & Instructive: Letters from John Ruskin to Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford, Anna Blunden and Ellen Heaton. Ruskin, John
London; 1972, Michael Joseph. 272 pp. Cloth
$ 25Autobiography of Bertrand Russell Volume I of 2, 1872-1914. Russell, Bertrand.
Boston; [1967], Atlantic - Little Brown. First Canadian Edition. 376 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 25A British Picture. An Autobiography. Russell, Ken:
London; 1989, Heinemann. 293 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 16Letters to Molly: John Millington Synge to Maire O'Neill. Saddlemyer, Ann
Cambridge; 1971, Harvard UP. 330 pp. Cloth
$ 35In the Imperial Shadow. Saghaphi, Mirza Mahmoud Khan
New York; 1932, Doubleday. First Edition. VI, 403 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 65In the Imperial Shadow. Saghaphi, Mirza Mahmoud Khan
New York; 1932, Doubleday. VI, 403 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 25Memoirs. Sakharov, Andrei
New York; 1990, Knopf. 773 pp. Cloth
$ 15Mollie: The Journal of Mollie Dorsey Sanford in Nebraska & Colorado Territories, 1857-1866. Sanford, Mollie Dorsey.
; 1959, Nebraska UP. First Edition. 196 pp. HC 9 1/2 x 6.
$ 30Persons & Places: The Background of My Life. Santayana, George
New York; 1944, Scribner's. 262 pp. Cloth
$ 35Richard II. Saul, Nigel
New Haven and London; 1997, Yale University Press. First Edition. 514 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 150Max Reinhardt and his Theatre. With 57 Illustrations in Full Colors and 164 in black-and-white. Sayler, Oliver M., ed.
New York; 1924, Brentano's . First Edition. 381 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 60Ludwig Van Beethoven: Bicentennial Edition 1770-1970. Schmidt-Gorg, Joseph and Hans Schmidt, eds.
Hamburg; 1970, Deutsche Grammophon. 276 pp. HC 32cm X 32cm.
$ 35In the Company of Writers. A Life in Publishing. Scribner, Jr., Charles. Based on the Oral History by Joel R. Gardner
London; 1990, Scribners. First Edition. 193 pp. HC 8vo 24x16 cm.
$ 45Last Empress of the French. Sergeant, Philip W.
London; , T. Werner Laurie. 408 pp. Cloth
$ 25Star Trek. Movie Memories. Shatner, William
New York; 1994, Harper Collins. 357 pp. HC
$ 75Elbert Hubbard of East Aurora. Shay, Felix
New York; 1926, Wm. H. Wise & Co. First Edition. 554 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 18.50Naked Truth. Sheridan, Clare
New York; 1928, Harper & Brothers. 383 pp. Cloth
$ 15In the Shadow of Sartre. Siegel, Liliane
London; 1990, Collins. 182 pp. Cloth
$ 20Dylan Thomas: No Man More Magical. Sinclair, Andrew
New York; 1975, Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 240 pp. Cloth
$ 22Taken Care Of. Sitwell, Edith
London; 1965, Hutchinson. 192 pp. Cloth
$ 30English Eccentrics. Sitwell, Edith
London; 1933, Faber and Faber. 332 pp. Cloth
$ 18Four Continents. Sitwell, Osbert
London; 1954, MacMillan. 282 pp. Cloth
$ 20Left Hand, Right Hand! Sitwell, Osbert
London; 1952, MacMillan. 272 pp. Cloth
$ 25Noble Essences. Sitwell, Osbert
London; 1950, MacMillan. 324 pp. Cloth
$ 15Sing High! Sing Low! Sitwell, Osbert
London; 1944, MacMillan. 189 pp. Cloth
$ 18Hunters and the Hunted. Sitwell, Sacheverell
New York; 1948, MacMillan. 314 pp. Cloth
$ 35Madame Sarah. Skinner, Cornelia Otis
Boston; 1967, Houghton Mifflin. 356 pp. Cloth
$ 15Our Hearts Were Young and Gay. Skinner, Cornelia Otis and Emily Kimbrough
New York; 1942, Dodd, Mead & Co. 247 pp. Cloth
$ 10Necessary Secrets: The Journals of Elizabeth Smart. NEW Smart, Elizabeth.
Toronto; 1988, Deneau Publishers. First thus. 285 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 20A Vanished World. Sneller, Anne Gertrude.
Syracuse; 1964, Syracuse UP. First Edition. 365 pp. Cloth 8 1/3 x 5 3/4".
$ 25Clementine Churchill. Soames, Mary
London; 1979, Cassell Ltd. 556 pp. Cloth
$ 25Madame de Stael. Sorel, Albert
London; 1892, Unwin. 262 pp. HC
$ 30Gertrude and Alice. Souhami, Diana
London; 1991, Pandora. 300 pp. Cloth
$ 15Barbra: The First Decade. Th Films and Career of Barbra Streisand. Spada, James
New York; 1976, Citadel. 224 pp. HC 28 x 21cm.
$ 30Stevie Smith. A Critical Biography. Spalding, Frances
London; 1988, Faber and Faber. IX, 331 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 40Vanier. Soldier, Diplomat & Governor General. A Biography. Speaight, Robert
Toronto; 1970, Collins. First Edition. 488 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 32.50Rebel. The Life and Legend of James Dean. Spoto, Donald
New York; 1996, Harper Collins. 306 pp. HC
$ 30Laurence Olivier. A Biography. Spoto, Donald
New York; 1992, Harper Collins. 460 pp. Cloth
$ 25Blue Angel. The Life of Marlene Dietrich. Spoto, Donald.
New York; 1992, Doubleday. First Edition. 335 pp. HC 8to.
$ 20Letters of Leonard Woolf. Spotts, Frederic ed.
San Diego; 1989, HBJ. 616 pp. HC
$ 18The Strange Life of August Strindberg. Sprigge, Elizabeth
London; 1949, Hamish Hamilton. ix, 246 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 38W. S. Gilbert. A Classic Victorian & His Theatre Stedman, Jane W.
Oxford, New York; 1996, Oxford University Press. First Edition. XVIII, 374 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 25Apollinaire: Poet Among the Painters. Steegmuller, Francis
New York; 1963, Farrar, Staruss and Company. 365 pp. HC
$ 40Eric Shipton: Everest and Beyond. Steele, Peter.
London; 1998, Constable. First Edition. 290 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35Bitter Fame: A Life of Sylvia Plath. Stevenson, Anne:
Boston; 1989, Houghton Mifflin. First US Edition. 413 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Books & Characters French & English. Strachey, Lytton
London; 1924, Chatto & Windus. 264 pp. Cloth
$ 35Tecumseh. A Life. Sugden, John T
New York; 1998, Henry Holt. 492 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Madame de Maintenon. Taillandier, Mme. Saint-Rene
LOndon; 1922, Heinemann. 296 pp. Cloth
$ 75Tennyson And His Friends. Tennyson, Lord Hallam, ed.
London; 1911, MacMillan. First Edition. XIII + 503 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 25Leftover Life to Kill. Thomas, Caitlin
London; 1957, Putnam. 240 pp. Cloth
$ 20Leftover Life to Kill. Thomas, Caitlin
London; 1957, Putnam. 240 pp. Cloth
$ 28Films of Kirk Douglas. Thomas, Tony
New York; 1972, Citadel. 255 pp. Cloth 28.5 x 22cm.
$ 25Wild Excursions: The Life and Fiction of Laurence Sterne. Thomson, David
New York; 1972, McGraw-Hill. 325 pp. Cloth
$ 25Rosebud. The Story of Orson Welles. Thomson, David
New York, ; 1996, Little, Brown. First US Edition. [10], 463 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Selected Letters of James Thurber. Thurber, Helen and Edward Weeks, eds.
Boston; 1981, Little Brown. First Trade Edition. 274 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35Vater und Tochter. Tolstois Briefwechsel mit seiner Tochter Marie. Tolstoi, L. N., Hrsg. Paul Birukoff.
Zürich und Leipzig; 1927, Rotapfel-Verlag. First Edition. 234 pp. Oln. 8vo.
$ 25Scott Fitzgerald. Turnbull, Andrew
New York; 1962, Charles Scribner's Sons. 364 pp. Cloth
$ 9.50Bardot, Deneuve, Fonda. My Life With the Three Most Beautiful Women in the World. Vadim, Roger
New York; 1986, Simon & Schuster. 328 pp. HC
$ 10Never Go Anywhere Without a Pencil. Van Horne, Harriet
New York; 1972, Putnam. 313 pp. Cloth
$ 15This Brief Tragedy: Unravelling the Todd-Dickinson Affair. Walsh, John Evangelist
New York; 1991, Grove Weidenfeld. 230 pp. HC
$ 60Theme and Variations. Walter, Bruno:
New York; 1946, Alfred A. Knopf. First US Edition. xi, 344plus xx index pp. HC 8vo.
$ 10A Little Learning. Waugh, Evelyn
; 1964, Chapman & Hall. 234 pp. Cloth
$ 151900. West, Rebecca
New York; 1982, Viking. 190 pp. Cloth
$ 11.95Family Memories. West, Rebecca
London; 1992, Lime Tree. 255 pp. HC
$ 35Tennyson Album: A Biography in Original Photographs. Wheatcroft, Andrew
London; 1980, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. 160 pp. Cloth
$ 32.95Pickford. The Woman Who Made Hollywood. Whitfield, Eileen
Toronto; 1997, MacFarlane, Walter & Ross. 442 pp. HC
$ 20Lemmon. A Biography. Widener, Don
New York; 1975, MacMillan. 247 pp. Cloth
$ 15George. An Early Autobiography. Williams, Emlyn
New York; 1961, Random House. 437 pp. Cloth
$ 26.95Letters on Literature and Politics 1912-1972. Wilson, Edmund
New York; 1977, Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 768 pp. Cloth
$ 15Shelley II. The Middle of My Century. Winters, Shelley
New York; 1989, Simon & Schuster. 494 pp. HC
$ 15Madame de Lafayette: The Story of a Patriot's Wife. Wright, Constance
New York; 1959, Henry Holt. 280 pp. Cloth
$ 12A Precocious Autobiography. Yevtushenko, Yevgeny
New York; 1963, E.P. Dutton. First Edition. 124 pp. Cloth
$ 30Spiegelungen des Lebens. Mit 24 Bildtafeln. Zweig, Friderike Maria.
Wien; 1964, Hans Deutsch Verlag. First Edition. 288 pp. Oln. 8vo.
$ 25Balzac. Dichter und Abenteurer des Lebens. Zweig, Stefan
Zuerich; 1957, Büchergilde Gutenberg, Lizenzausgabe. 392 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50DICTIONARY OF CANADIAN BIOGRAPHY VOLUME IX 1861-1870 Brown, George W., General Editor, Marcel Trudel, Andre Vachon:.
Toronto; 1976, , University of Toronto Press. xiii, 967 pp. HC 4to.
$ 30James Watt, der Erfinder. Ein Lebensbild für die Jugend und das Volk. W. O. v. Horn.
New York; 1868, E. Steiger. 65 pp plus 4 pp catalogue. HC 16mo, 14,5 x 10 cm.
$ 25PARACELSUS A GENIUS AMIDST A TROUBLED WORLD. A Short Essay on the Life and the Works of the Great Physician, Scientist and Philosopher. de Telepnef, Basilio.
St. Gallen; 1945, Zollikofer & Co. First Edition. 93 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 125Napoleon I. Sein Leben und seine Zeit. Mit Abbildungen, Faksimiles, Karten und Plänen. Kircheisen, Friedrich M.:
München; 1911, 1913, 1914, Georg Müller. First Edition. xii, 482, x, 434, xiv, 462 pp. Halbleder small 4to.
$ 55James Gibbons Huneker. Signed by author... de Casseres, Benjamin:
New York; 1925, Joseph Lawren. Signed Edition. 62 pp. HC lge 8vo, 24,5x16,5cm.
$ 15Enid Starkie. Richardson, Joanna:
London; 1973, John Murray. First Edition. 306 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50Tutor to the Tsarevich. An Intimate portrait of the Last Days of the Russian Imperial Family. Gibbes, Charles Sydney, Compiled from the Papers of, by J. C. Trewin.
London; 1975, MacMillan. First Edition. 148 pp. HC small square 4to.
$ $ 125A FIDDLER'S WORLD. Memoirs to 1938. A FIDDLER'S CHOICE. Memoirs 1938 to 1980. [2 volumes, both signed]. Adaskin, Harry
Vancouver; 1977, 1982, November House. Signed Edition. [10] 293 pp, [6] 187 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 40For King and Country. Lieutenant Colonel John By, R. E. Indefatigable Civil-Military Engineer. Andrews, Mark
Merrickville; 1998, The Heritage Merrickville Foundation. First Edition. 238 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Kurt Schumacher. Ein Leben für Deutschland Wesemann, Fried
Frankfurt/Main; 1952, Herkul. First Edition. 260 pp. Oln. 8vo.
$ 100Fox Hunting in Canada and Some Men Who Made It. With 106 full page Illustrations. Proctor, Frank
Toronto; 1929, MacMillan. Signed Edition. 373 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 120Life of the Right Honourable William Edward Forster. In Two Volumes. Reid, T. Wemyss
London; 1888, Chapman and Hall. First Edition. 574, 587 plus catalogue 40 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50Essays in Biography Keynes, John Maynard
Toronto; 1933, MacMillan. First Canadian Edition. x, 318 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 95She Was a Queen Collis, Maurice
New York; 1962, Criterion Books. First US Edition. 250 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30The Land of the Great Image. Being Experiences of Friar Manrique in Arakan Collis, Maurice
London; 1946, Reader's Union/Faber and Faber. HC 8vo.
$ 50Christopher Columbus. Collis, John Stewart.
London; 1976, MacDonald and Jane's. Signed Edition. 208 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Charlotte Mary Yonge. The Story of an Uneventful Life. Battiscombe, Georgina, Introd. by E. M. Delafield
London; 1943, Constable. 171 [2] pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20The Matsushita Phenomenon Gould, Rowland.
Tokyo; 1970, Diamond Sha. First Edition. xii, 224 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 28As I Said at the Time: A Lifetime of Cricket Swanton, E. W.
London; 1983, Willow Books. 542 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15TRUTH. [NEW] Seligmann, Walter, Reverend.
Belleville, Ontario; 1981, Mika. First Edition. 217 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 25Some Portraits of the Lake Poets and their Homes. With 29 full-page Monogravure Illustrations. Abraham, Ashley P.
Keswick; 1923, G. P. Abraham Ltd. 56 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 50An Archaelogical Autobiography Grinsell, L. V.
Wolfeboro, NH; 1989, Alan Sutton. First Edition. [10] 134 pp. HC tall 8vo.
$ 95The Obsession. Scecial Preview Edition accompanied by a letter of the author, signed Levin, Meyer
New York; 1973, Simon and Schuster. First Edition. 316 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 195Anna Comnena Mitchison, Naomi
London; 1928, Gerald Howe. First Edition. 96 pp. HC 8vo.
St. Louis, Mo.; 1896, Concordia Publishing House. v, 87 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 28Stevie. A Biography of Stevie Smith Barbera, Jack and William McBrien
London; 1985, Heinemann. First Edition. 378 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 75Letters from Liselotte. Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine and Duchess of Orléans, 'Madame' 1652-1722 [Liselotte von der Pfalz]. [NEW] Kroll, Maria, Translated and Edited by.
London; 1998, Allison & Busby. First thus. 292 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 35Margaret Anglin. A Stage Life. Le Vay, John.
Toronto; 1989, Simon & Pierre. Signed Edition. 326 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50The Caliph of Fonthill. [The Story of William Beckford]. With an Introduction by Nikolaus Pevsner. Brockman, H[arold) A(lfred) N(elson)
London; 1956, Werner Laurie. First Edition. xiii, 219 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 500Dear M. Letters from a Gentleman of Excess. Limited Edition. No. 19 of 100. With 3 original lithograps, each signed and numbered, 19/100. [NEW] Pollock, Jack
Toronto; 1989, McClelland & Stewart. Limited Signed. 308 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 2500The Letters of Horace Walpole Earl of Orford. Now First Chronologically Arranged. In Nine Volumes Walpole, Horace, Peter Cunningham, Editor
London; 1880, Bickers & Son. ca. 550 to 650 pp ea. Leather 8vo.
$ 50Self-Portrait. Taken From the Letters and Journals of Charles Ricketts, R. A. Ricketts, Charles. Collected and compiled by T. Sturge Moore. Edited by Cecil Lewis.
London; 1939, Peter Davies. First Edition. xvii, 442 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Augustus Smith of Scilly Inglis-Jones, Elisabeth
London; 1969, Faber & Faber. First Edition. 213 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 150Autobiography of Sir Walter Besant. With a Prefatory Note by S. Squire Sprigge. -
London; 1902, Hutchinson. First Edition. xxvii, 292 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 40Discoveries. Early Letters 1938-1975. Slected and Editd by Judith Skelton Grant. [NEW] Davies, Robertson
Toronto; 2002, McClelland and Stewart. First Edition. xiv, [2], 413 plus 2 pp booklist. HC 8vo.
$ 35Vigo. A Forgotten Builder of the American Republic. Roselli, Bruno
Boston; 1933, The Stratford Company. Signed Edition. [8] 280 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 150Letter to Julia. Williamson, Hugh Ross.
London; 1974, Stourton Press. Limited Signed. 147 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 45The Memoirs of Philippe de Commynes. Vol. 1. Kinser, Samuel. Ed.
Columbia, South Carolina; 1969, University of South Carolina Press. First Edition. 368 pp. Cloth 4to.
$ 20The Art of Staying Sane. Barth, Joseph.
Boston; 1948, Beacon Press. First Edition. 192 pp. Cloth 8vo.
Toronto; 1978, Theatrebooks. First Edition. 56 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 40A Sculptor's Thoughts Mukhina, Vera
Moscow; n.d. [ca. 1954], Foreign Languages Publishing House. First Edition. 147 pp plus 54 pp plates. HC 22,5 x 17 cm.
$ 28A Mirror for Ruffians. Lindsay, Philip
London; 1939, Linsay Drummond. First Edition. 382 pp 2 ads. HC 8vo.
$ 35Briefe aus Amerika Frenssen, Gustav
Berlin; 1923, G. Grote'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. First Edition. 187 pp. Hln. 8vo.
$ 40Cross Creek. Decorations by Edward Shenton Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
New York; 1942, Scribner's. First Edition. [8] 368 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 95Edy. Recollections of Edith Craig. Biographical Note by Christopher St. John. [Association copy dedicated and signed to Elizabeth Sprigge by Sybil Thorndike]. Craig, Edith, Edited by Eleanor Adlard.
London; 1949, Frederick Muller. First Edition. 156 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 55Charlotte Bronte. A Psychosexual Study of her Novels. [Signed] Burkhart, Charles.
London; 1973, Victor Gollancz. Signed Edition. 159 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50Siamese White. Collis, Maurice
London; 1965, Faber and Faber. Signed Edition. 312 pp. Softcover 12mo.
$ 50Jean Cocteau. L'homme et les miroirs. Kihm, Jean-Jeaques, Elizabeth Sprigge, Henri C. Behar.
[Vienne]; 1968, La table ronde. Signed Edition. 476 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 95Paracelsus Selected Writings. Translated by Norbert Guterman. [Paracelsus] Jacobi, Jolande, Edited with an Introduction.
London; 1951, Routledge & Kegan Paul. First British Edition. 346 [1] pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Irina Odoevtseva. Poet, Novelist, Memoirist. A Literary Portrait. [FIRST EDITION, NEW] Bobrow, Ella.
Oakville, On., Buffalo N. Y.; 1996, Mosaic Press. First Edition. xxiii, 158 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 35Adeline Countess Schimmelmann. Glimpses of my Life at the German Court, Among Baltic Fishermen and Berlin Socialists and in Prison. Including "A Home Abroad" by Pastor Otto Funcke. Adeline Countess Schimmelmann, Edited by W. Smith Foggitt.
New York; 1896, Dodd, Mead. x, [4], 210 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 20Young Writers of the Thirties. [W. H. Auden, C. Day Lewis, Chr. Isherwood, L. MacNeice, S. Spender, J. Lehmann] Prochaska, Alice:
London; 1976, National Portrait Library. 19 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 50Roger Bacon. The Father of Exprimental .Science and Mediaeval Occultism. Redgrove, H. Stanley:
London; 1920, William Rider,. First Edition. 63 pp. Softcover 16mo.
$ 125Prinz Heinrich von Preussen - Bruder Friedrichs des Großen. Easum, C. V.:
Göttingen, Berlin; 1958, Musterschmidt Verlag. 557 pp plus 2 catalogue. Oln. 8vo.
$ 60Leo Tolstoy. A Polestar Pictorial Biography. Collis, John Stewart
London; 1969, Burns & Oates. Signed Edition. 124 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 250Sybil Thorndike Casson. [SIGNED] Sprigge, Elizabeth, with a foreword by Dame Sybil:
London; 1971, Victor Gollancz. Signed Edition. 348pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20The Worm Forgives the Plough. Collis, John Stewart.
London; 1973, Charles Knight. First Edition. viii, 294 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50Jean Cocteau: The Man Behind the Mirror. Sprigge, Elizabeth & Jean-Jacques Kihm:
London; 1968, Victor Gollancz. Signed Edition. 286 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 75Jean Cocteau: The Man Behind the Mirror. Sprigge, Elizabeth & Jean-Jacques Kihm:
London; 1968, Victor Gollancz. Signed Edition. 286 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 75Gertrude Stein Her Life and Work. Sprigge, Elisabeth:
London; 1957, Hamish Hamilton. Signed Edition. xv, 277 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50Cortés and Montezuma. Collis, Maurice:
London; 1954, Faber & Faber. Signed Edition. 251 [5] pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30Stanley Spencer. Illustrated by the Author. Spencer, Gilbert:
London; 1961, Victor Gollancz. 192 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35The Diary of Sophia MacNab. Written at Dundurn Castle Hamilton, 1846 Age 13. MacNab, Sophia, Edited by Charles Ambrose Carter and Thomas Melville Bailey.
Hamilton, On.; 1968, W. L. Griffin. Signed Edition. 72 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 75KIND DIESER ZEIT. Mann, Klaus.
Berlin; 1932, Transmare Verlag. First Edition. 331, 1 S. Oln. 8vo.
$295VILLALONGA. [1927-2018] Translated and adapted by Dr. Malcolm Spicer. [SIGNED BY VILLALONGA, FIRST ED.] Descharnes, Robert.
Barcelona; 1971, Editorial Juventad. Signed Edition. 97 [3] pp. HC small folio.
$ 30For King and Country. Lieutenant Colonel John By, R. E. Indefatigable Civil-Military Engineer. Andrews, Mark.
Merrickville; 1998, The Heritage Merrickville Foundation. First Edition. 238 pp. Softcover 8vo.
Toronto; 1980, University of Toronto Press. Signed Edition. xii, 421 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Inglorious Milton. An Uncoventional Biography. Lauriston, Victor:
Chatham, ON; 1934, The Tiny Tree Club. Limited Signed. 408 [8] pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15The Diary of Thomas Nightingale Merchant July 1881 - July 1882. Detailing a trip from Prince Edward County to Winnipeg, Manitopa and further west. -
Bloomfield, On.; 1979, Malcolm Wallbridge. First thus. 26pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 15Frank Olson: Theatre Organ Virtuoso. Sanderson, John, A Memoir by:
Thorold, On.; 1985, Sanmar. First Edition. 31 [1] pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 16Ingmar Bergman. An Artist's Journey On Stage, On Screen, In Print. Oliver, Roger W., Edited by
New York; 1995, Arcade. First Edition. xii, 161 pp. Softcover 4to.
$ 35Im alten Estland. Kindheitserinnerungen. Taube, Otto Freiherr von.
Stuttgart; [1944], K. F. Koehler Verlag. First Edition. 286 (2) pp. Hln. 8vo.
$ 60L'amico degli artisti. Con 51 Tavole. Sapori, Francesco.
Roma; 1931,., Casa Editrice "Sapientia". Limited Signed. (x), 270 pp. HC 4to.
$ 50Silent Letters Released. Seven Decades of One Life. Seaman, Elwood Armstrong:
New York; 1988, Vantage Press. First Edition. 252 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 40Who's Who 1972-1973. 124th Annual Edition. -
New York; 1972, St. Martin's Press. 36, viii, 3555 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 75Death Bed Triumphs of eminent Christians, Exemplifying The Power of Religion. Burns, Jabez. Minister of Aenon Chapel, St. Marylebone.
Halifax; 1846, William Milner. viii, 334 pp. HC 32mo.
$ 40Mix and Match. Grol, Lini R.
Fonthill, ON; 1975, Trillium Book, Fonthill Studio. Limited Signed. 84 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 295Love-Tales from Tallemant. Rendered from the French. [Golden Cockerel Press]. [Tallemant de Réaux]:
London, .; 1925, Grafton & Co. Limited Edition. 247, (3) pp. Quarter Leather 4to.
$ 25Autobiographies. NEW Smart, Elizabeth, Edited by Christina Burridge.
Vancouver; 1978, William Hoffer, Tanks. First Edition. 204 [1] pp. Softcover 4to.
$ 20Sybil Thorndike Casson. Sprigge, Elizabeth, with a foreword by Dame Sybil:
London; 1971, Victor Gollancz. First Edition. 348pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20A Catafalque for David Hill. Edited and compiled by Virgil Burnett in collaboration with Anne Pippin Burnett, Robin Magown, Joseph Plaskett. [NEW] Burnett, Virgil.
Stratford; 1986, Pasdeloup Press. First Edition. 59 pp. Softcover 8vo, 20.3x22.6cm.
$ 35Letters of John B. Flannagan. Flannagan, John B. Introduction by W. R. Valentiner.
New York; 1942, Curt Valentin. First Edition. 100 [3] pp. HC large 8vo.
$ 15Register zu Fürst Bismarcks Gedanken und Erinnerungen. Kohl, Horst. [Bismarck]
Stuttgart; 1900, Cotta'sche Buchhandlung. 48 pp. kart. 8vo.
$ 125Lives of the British Admirals: Containing a New and Accurate Naval History, From the Earliest Periods. With a Cotinuation Down to the Year 1779, Including the Naval Transactions of the Late and Present War, and an Account of the Recent Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere.Written Under the Inspection of Doctor Berkenhout. The Whole Illustrated With Correct Maps, and Frontispieces Engraved From Original Designs. In Four Volumes. A New Edition. - (Vol. IV only!) Campbell, J.
London; 1781, Alexander Donaldson. vi, 521 pp, plus 4pp catalogue. Leather 8vo.
$ 30The Mind of a Monarch. [Pahlavi, Shah of Persia]. Karanjia, R. K.
London; 1977, George Allen & Unwin. First Edition. 265 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 40Dear M. Letters from a Gentleman of Excess Pollock, Jack
Toronto; 1989, McClelland and Stewart. First Edition. 308 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50The Life of Dwight L. Moody, The Man and his Work. With Thirty-Three Illustrations. Hallock, J. N., Rev. D. D..
Toronto; 1900, The Poole Publishing Company. First Edition. 144 pp plus 15 pp advertisements. HC 12mo.
$ 500Richard Wagner's (sic) Lehr- und Wanderjahre. Autobiographisches. [Wagner, Richard].
Leipzig; 1871, Franz Wagner. First Edition. 30 pp. Oln. 8vo.
$ 50The Letters of George Gissing to Gabrielle Fleury. Coustillas, Pierre, Edited by.
New York; 1964, The New York Public Library. First Edition. 173 pp. HC 4to.
$ 35Lucrezia Borgia. Nach Urkunden und Korrespondenzen ihrer eigenen Zeit. Mit einer Tafel und drei Facsimilebeilagen. Fünfte Auflage. Gregorovius, Ferdinand.
Stuttgart und Berlin; 1911, Cotta. 371, 1 pp. Leder 8vo.
$ 30From Stone Orchard. A Collection of Memories. [NEW!] Findley, Timothy.
Toronto; 1998, Harper Flamingo. First Edition. 170 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30Die Kamera und ich. Autobiographie eines Filmers. Aus dem Englischen und Holländischen von Teja Schwaner und Annelotte Piper. Ivens, Joris.
Reinbek; 1974, Rowohlt. First Edition. 230, 4, 4 pp. Katalog. Softcover 12mo.
$ 18Ludwig van Beethoven. Rolland, Romain.
Zürich; 1936, Rotapfel. 147 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 50Erinnerungen der Söhne an ihren Vater Hermann Hesse. Rothfuss, Uli:
Calw; 1989, Kreissparkasse Calw. First Edition. 87, (3) pp. kart. sq.8vo, 21x21cm.
New York; 1970, M. Evans. First Edition. 576 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Künder deutscher Einheit. Das Leben Ernst Moritz Arndts. Breitenkamp, Paul.
Berlin; 1939, Haude und Spener. First Edition. 268, 4 pp. Oln. 8vo.
$ 30Maurice Utrillo. Legende und Wirklichkeit. Mit 79 Reproduktionen von Bildern, Zeichnungen, Fotos und andern Dokumenten, mit Zeittafel und Namensregister. Carco, Francis.
Zürich; 1958, Diogenes Verlag. First Edition. 208, 6 pp. Oln. 8vo, 20x15cm.
$ 35Robespierre Erinnerungen. Von ihm selbst. Robespierre.
München und Leipzig; 1924, Rösl. First Edition. 343 pp. Oln. 8vo.
$25A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts Issued to Commemorate the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Firm of Bernard Quaritsch 1847-1947. With a Portrait-Study of the Founder by His Daughter Charlotte Quaritsch Wrentmore. Quaritsch Wrentmore, Charlotte,
London; n.d. [1947], Bernard Quaritsch. First Edition. xvii, 91 pp. Softcover 4to.
$ 95"Shakespeare and company." Traduit de l'anglais par George Adam. Beach, Sylvia.
Paris; 1962, , Mercure de France. First Edition. 240 + pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 85Shadowlight. A Photographer’s Life. Patterson, Freeman.
Toronto; 1996, Harper Collins. First Edition. 176 pp. HC 4to square.
$ 30An Autobiography. Two Volumes Asquith, Margot.
New York, Toronto; 1920, George H. Doran, McClelland & Stewart. First Canadian Edition. 282 + 276 pp. Cloth 8vo, .
$ 20Reminiscences by Anton Lang. "Christus" in the Passion Plays of Oberammergau in 1900, 1910, 1922. Lang, Anton.
Munich; 1930, Carl Aug. Seyfried & Comp. Signed Edition. 156, [4] pp. Softcover 16mo, 18 x 11 cm.
$ 40An Artist of Life. A Study of the Life and Work of Havelock Ellis. Collis, John Stewart.
London, ; 1959, Cassell. Signed Edition. vii, 245 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25The Illustrated Bosman. Bosman, Herman Charles. Abrahams, Lionel and David Goldblatt edited:
Johannesburg, Cape Town and Pretoria; 1988, Southern Book Publishers. xv, [18], 286 pp. HC small 4to.
$ 125Madame de Pompadour. Capefigue, J. B. H. R.
London; 1908, Arthur L. Humhreys. First Edition. 303 pp. Half Leather 12mo.
$ 100Grissom, Betty and Henry Still. Starfall.
New York; 1974, Thomas Y. Crowell. First Edition. [10], 276pp. HC 8vo, .
$ 20No Time on my Hands. Snyder, Grace, as told to Nellie Snyder Yost.
Caldwell, Idaho; 1963, The Caxton Printers. First Edition. 541 pp. HC 8vo, .
$ 75The Grand Peregrinations being the life and adventures of Fernao Mendes Pinto. Collis, Maurice.
London; 1949, Faber and Faber. Signed Edition. 313 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20The Life of Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada 1823-1889. A Study of Influence and Obscurity. Knapp, Frank Averill Jr..
Austin; 1951, The University of Texas Press. First Edition. ix, 292 pp. HC small 4to.
$ 20Finding Words. A Writer's Memoir. [NEW, SIGNED] Brandis, Marianne.
n.p. [Manotick, Ontario]; 2000, Penumbra Press. Signed Edition. 240 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 15The Life of Laurence Oliphant. Traveller, Diplomat, Mystic. Henderson, Philip.
London; 1956, Robert Hale. First Edition. xii, 281, 4 blanc pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15The Life of Laurence Oliphant. Traveller, Diplomat, Mystic. Henderson, Philip.
London; 1956, Robert Hale. First Edition. xii, 281, 4 blanc pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50Somerville & Ross. A Biography Collis, Maurice
London; 1968, Faber & Faber. First Edition. 286 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Somerville & Ross. A Biography. Collis, Maurice.
London; 1968, Faber & Faber. 286 pp. 8vo.
$ 20In re Shakespeare. Beeching v. Greenwood. Rejoinder on Behalf of the Defendant. Greenwood, G. G., M.P. Author of "Shakespeare Problem Restated"
London, ; 1909, John Lane The Bodley Head. First Edition. 152 ppl. HC 12mo.
$ 30The Masks of Ottawa. "Domino" [pseud. of Augustus Bridle].
Toronto; 1921, MacMillan. First Edition. 283 pp. HC 8vo, .
$ 35I Wanted to Write a Poem. The Autobiography of the Works of a Poet Reported and Edited by Edith Heal. Williams, William Carlos, Ed. Edith Heal.
Boston; 1958, Beacon Press. First Edition. ix, [3], 99 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25The Life of John Middleton Murry. Lea, F. A.
London; 1959, Methuen. First Edition. xi, 378 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30Auguste Rodin. Mit 96 Abbildungen. Rilke, Rainer Maria.
o. O. [Leipzig, Frankfurt]; 1949, Insel Verlag. 118 plus 96 Tafeln. Oln. 8vo.
$ 33The Life of Lope de Vega (1562-1635). Rennert, Hugo Albert.
New York, ; 1937, G. E. Stechert & Co. xiii, 587 pp. HC 8vo, .
$ 35Over My Dead Body. [SIGNED] Opie, June.
London; 1973, Pan Books. Signed Edition. 222, 1 pp. Softcover 12mo.
$ 25The Artist in New York. Letters to Jean Charlot and Unpublished Writings (1925-1929). Orozco, Jose Clemente.
Austin, TX; 1974, University of Texas Press. First Edition. 99 pp. HC 8vo, 22,5 x 16 cm.
$ 60Camus. Brée, Germaine.
New Brunswick; 1959, Rutgers University Press. Signed Edition. x, 275 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 40Letters From Edward Thomas to Gordon Bottomley. Edited and In troduces by R. George Thomas Thomas, Edward.
London, ; 1968, Oxford University Press. First Edition. [6], 301, [1] pp. HC 8vo.
$ 125Letters From Aubrey Beardsley to Leonard Smithers. Edited kwith Introduction and Notes by R. A. Walker. Beardsley, Aubrey. R. A. Walker ed.
London, ; 1937, The First Edition Club. First Edition. xvi, rest unpaginated, 188 letters. HC 8vo.
$ 25Hannibal - Soldier, Statesman, Patriot and the Crisis of the Struggle Between Carthage and Rome. Morris, William O'Connor.
New York, London; 1897, G. P. Putnam's. First Edition. xvi, 376 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 12Wera Fedorowna. Der Roman einer russischen Schauspielerin. Rachmanowa, Alja.
Salzburg, Leipzig; o.J. (1939), Anton Pustet. 405, 1 pp. Hln. 12mo, .
$ 125NOTES ON VIRGINIA'S CHILDHOOD. A Memoir. Bell, Vanessa, edited by Richard J. Schaubeck Jr.
New York; 1974, Frank Hallman. Limited Edition. unpaginated, [16 pp.]. HC 8vo, .
$ 50Across the Green Past. Translated by Tatiana Balkoff Drowne. Zhigalova, Olga.
Chicago; 1952, Henry Regnery. Signed Edition. viii, [2], 214 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 65Criada. Illustrations by Carl Pappe. [Signed] Goodspeed, Bernice I.
Mexico D. F. ; 1950, The American Book & Printing Co. Signed Edition. 381 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Storm Signals. More Undiplomatic Diaries, 1962-1971 Ritchie, Charles.
Toronto; 1983, MacMillan. First Edition. 192 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 20The Last Summer. Sexton, Anne, Photography Arthur Furst, Introduction by Linda Gray Sexton.
New York; 2000, St. Martin's Press. First Edition. xiv, 81, [1] pp. Softcover 8vo, 24,5 x 19 cm.
$ 50Notes on a Cowardly Lion. The Biography of Bert Lahr. Lahr, John.
New York; 1969, Alfred A. Knopf. Signed Edition. [xvi] 394, [2] pp. HC large 8vo, 24,5x16,5 cm.
$ 30BRIEF LIVES: SITTERS AND ARTISTS IN THE GARRICK CLUB COLLECTION. With Contributions by Edward A. Langhans. Burnim, Kalman A. and John Baskett.
London; 2003, Garrick Club. First Edition. [12], 273, [3] pp. HC 4to 26 x 19 cm.
$ 50Her Daughter the Engineer. The Life of Elsie Gregory MacGill. [NEW, SIGNED] Bourgeois-Doyle, Richard I.
Ottawa, ; 2008, NRC Research Press. Signed Edition. ix, 319 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 15Vita di Chirurgo. Majocchi, Andrea.
n. p. [Milano], ; n. d. [ca. 1934], Fratelli Treves. First Edition. [6], 332 pp. Softcover 8vo, .
$ 20Summer Island. [Toronto Island]. Murphy, Phil.
[Ottawa], ; [1984], Oberon Press. First Edition. 147 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 30Prince Bismarck's Letters to his Wife, his Sister, and Others, from 1844 to 1870. Bismarck [Otto von].
New York; 1878, Charles Scribner's. First thus. x, 259 pp. HC 16mo, 17 x 12 cm.
$ 20Tilman Riemenschneider im deutschen Bauernkrieg. Stein, Karl Heinrich.
Zürich, ; 1944, Büchergilde Gutenberg. 477, [2]. Oln. 8vo.
$ 10The Book of Skeletons. Bock, 'Billy'.
Saskatoon; 1960, Modern Press. First Edition. 173 pp. Softcover 16mo, 16 x 11 cm.
$ 10Billie Jean. King, Billie Jean, with Frank Deford.
New York; 1982, The Viking Press. 220 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15Jacques Callot. Bioraphie critique illustres de vingt-quatre plances hors texte. Les Grandes Artistes leur vie - leur oevre. Bruwaert, Edmond.
Paris, ; n.d. [ca. 1910], Librairie Renouard Henry Laurens, Editeur. 126 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 40Die Parteien der großen französischen Revolution und ihre Presse. Zweite erweiterte Ausgabe des in erster Auflage unter dem Titel: Die revolutionäre Zeitungsliteratur Frankreichs während der Jahre 1789 bis1794 erschienenen Werkes. Cunow, Heinrich.
Berlin; 1912, Buchhandlung Vorwärts Paul Singer. First thus. VIII, 394 pp. Halbleder 8vo .
$ 30The Green Count of Savoy. Amadeus VI And Transalpine Savoy in the Forteenth Century. Cox, Eugene L.
Princeton; 1967, Princeton University Press. First Edition. xvi, 400 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15Tagebuch. Die Krise Dostojewskis. Dostojewski, Frau A. G., Herausgegeben von Dr. Kurt Kersten.
Berlin, ; 1925, E. Laubsche Verlagsbuhhandlung. First Edition. X, 189, 3 S. Anzeigen. Oln. 8vo.
$ 20All Is But a Beginning. Youth Remembered, 1881-1901. Introduction by Dick Cavett. Neihardt, John G.
New York; 1972, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. First Edition. ivx, 173 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Brave Harvest. The Life Story of E. Cora Hind, LL.D. Haig, Kennethe M.
Toronto; 1945, Thomas Allen. Signed Edition. vii, 275 pp. HC 8vo, .
$ 20Pater Flanagan von Boys Town. Mit Illustrationen. Oursler, Fulton und Will.
Baden-Baden, Stuttgart; 1951, Diana Verlag. First thus. 339, [5] pp. Oln. 8vo, .
$ 29.95Senator Robert Carrall and Dominion Day. Crawford-Siano, Irene.
Kingston, ON; 2011, Quarry Heritage Books. First Edition. 153 pp. Softcover 8vo.
Toronto; 1889, Rose Publishing. First Edition. xvi, 698, 6 pp. Appendix. HC 8vo.
$ 75The Spritual Hero; or The Life of the Rev. Wm. Green Bellham, One of the Pioneers or Early Ministers of the Primitive Methodist Connexion. Jackson, Oliver, Minister of the Gospel.
London, ; 1865, William Lister. ix, 144 pp. HC 24mo, 14,5 x 9,5 cm.
$ 20The Long Year. Drawbell, James Wedgewood.
London; 1958, Alan Wingate. First Edition. 242 pp. HC 12mo.
$ 45Mount Royal. Marteau, Robert; Translated by David Homel.
Toronto; 1982, Exile Editions. First Edition. 121 pp. Softcover 8vo, .
$ 30Ritorno ad A... Di Re, Maria Teresa.
Ascoli Piceno; 1983, Stampa Cesari. Signed Edition. 116 pp. Softcover large 8vo, 24 x 17 cm,.
$ 20Lord Byron's Family: Annabella, Ada and Augusta 1816-1824. Elwin, Malcolm
London; 1975, John Murray. First Edition. [10], 252 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 35Lord Byron's Wife. Elwin, Malcolm
London; 1962, 1974, John Murray. 556 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 20Compassionate Landscape. Places and People In A Man's Life. Carver, Humphrey.
Toronto and Buffalo; 1975, University of Toronto Press. First Edition. viii, 251 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35Words To Live By. A Memoir. [NEW, SIGNED] Whitehead, William.
Markham, ON; 2012, Cormorant Books. Signed Edition. [6], 248 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 40Diary of an Erotic Life. Wedekind, Frank. Edited by Gerhard Hay, translated by W. E. Yuill.
Cambridge; 1990, Basil Blackwell. First Edition. xix, 284 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Rudolf Otto. An Introduction to His Philosophical Theology. Almond, Philip C.
Chapel Hill and London; 1984, University of North Carolina. First Edition. X, 172 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 10Sophie. Ein jüdischer Professor aus dem alten Österreich erzählt aus seinem Leben. Tyndel, Samson.
Krems; 1998, Österreichisches Literaturforum. First Edition. 128, 3 pp. brosch. 8vo.
$ 50Out of My Later Years. Einstein, Albert.
New York; 1950, Philosophical Library. First US Edition. [6], 282 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 50.000Bound Upon A Course. An Autobiography. Collis, John Stewart.
London, ; 1971, Sidgwick & Jackson. Signed Edition. 217 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 175The Memoirs Private and Political of Daniel O'Connell, Esq: M. P. His Times and Contemporaries. From the Year 1776 to the Close of the Proceedings in Parliament, for the Repeal of the Union. Compiled from Original Documents. Huish, Robert, Esqu. F.R.S. F.Z.A. [Daniel O'Connell],
London; 1836, W. Johnston. First Edition. 716 + 16 pp. advertising. HC 8vo, 22,5 x 15 cm.
$ 30Who's Who in Canada 1997 (Registered). 88th Edition. An illustrated biographical record of leading Canadians from business, the professions, government and academia.
Toronto; 1997, Global Press, Canada Publishing Corporation. 774 pp. 12mo.
$ 25Look Back With Laughter. An Anecdotal Autobiography. Atkinson, Harry.
n. p.; 1990, S. C. H. Atkinso. Signed Edition. 138 pp. Softcover 4to.
$ 75Nikolai Gogol. Nabokov, Vladimir.
Norfolk; 1944, New Directions. First Edition. 172 pp. HC 12mo, 18,3 x 12,5 cm.
$ 25LE MIROIR QUI REVIENT. Robbe-Grillet, Alain.
Paris; 1984, Les Editions de Minuit. First Edition. 231, [1] pp. Softcover 12mo 18 x 13,5 cm.
$ 30Young Artists of Promise. Beddington, Jack.
London, New York; 1957, The Studio Publications. First Edition. 127 pp. HC 4to 29 x21 cm.
$ 50The Carlyles. A Biography of Thomas and Jane Carlyle. Collis, John Stewart.
London; 1971, Sidgwick & Jackson. Signed Edition. [12], 186 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Vanviddets Dage. van Paassen, Pierre.
Kobenhavn - Copenhagen; 1939, Aschehoug Dansk Forlag. First Edition. 427 pp. Softcover 8vo, 24 x 16,5 cm.
$ 18Roden. Barea, Arturo.
Kobenhavn - Copenhagen; 1950, J. H. Schultz Forlag. 238 pp. Softcover 8vo, 22 x 15 cm.
$ 35The Stranger Prince. The Story of Rupert of the Rhine. Irwin, Margaret.
L,ondon, Toronto; 1950, Chatto & Windus, Clarke, Irwin Co. xi, 592 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 150Random Reminiscences of Men and Events. Rockefeller, John D.
New York; 1909, Doubleday, Page. First Edition. vii, 188 pp. HC small 8vo.
$ 40A Memory of Solferino. With an Introduction by Major-General Sir John Kennedy. Dunant, J. Henry.
London; 1947, , Cassell. First thus. 63, [1] pp. HC 8vo, 25 x 16 cm.
Oakville, ON; 1997, Mosaic Press. Signed Edition. xiii, 193, 5 blank pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 50Siegmund Freud / Arnold Zweig Briefwechsel. Freud, Siegmund, Arnold Zweig.
Frankfurt/Main; 1968, S. Fischer Verlag. First Edition. 202 plus 1 S. Oln. 8vo, .
$ 25Königin Maria Sophia von Neapel. Eine vergessene Heldin. Tschudi, Clara.
Leipzig; n.d. [ca 1940], Reclam Verlag. 166, 2 S. Katalog. kart. 16mo, 15 x 10 cm].
$ 65Gustav Landauer. Sein Lebensgang in Briefen. Unter Mitwirkung von Ina Britschgi-Schimmer. Herausgegeben von Martin Buber. 2 Bde. Landauer, Gustav. Edited by Martin Buber.
Frankfurt/Main; 1929, Rütten und Loening Verlag. First Edition. VIII, 458, (1), 439, (1) pp. Oln. 8vo.
$ 50Hermann Göring Leben und Mensch. Gritzbach, Erich.
München; 1939, Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Franz Eher. 345, 3 S. Oln. 8vo, .
$ 35Gasi Mustafa Kemal. Zwischen Europa und Asien. Eine Lebensgeschichte. Mit zahlreichen Bildern und einer Kartenbeilage. von Mikusch, Dagobert.
Leipzig, ; 1929, Paul List Verlag. First Edition. VI, I, 335 S. Oln. Groß-8vo, 24 x 17 cm.
$ 20Socialist Cowboy. The Politics of Peter Kormos. Savage, Larry.
Halifax, Winnipeg; 2014, Roseway Publishing. First Edition. [6], 105pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 100Time and Chance. An Autobiography. [Signed] Townsend, Peter.
London; 1978, Collins. Signed Edition. 317 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Jamaican Nightingale. Wonderful Adventures of Mary Seacole in Many Lands. Seacole, Mary. Edited by Georfe Cadogan,
Stratford, ON.; 1989, Williams Wallace. First thus. 187 pp. Softcover 12mo.
$ 30Always & After. A Memoir Stafford, Ellen.
Toronto; 1999, Viking/Penguin. Signed Edition. 16, 293, 3 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30The Last Summer. Sexton, Anne, Photography Arthur Furst, Introduction by Linda Gray Sexton.
New York; 2000, St. Martin's Press. First Edition. xiv, 81, [1] pp. HC 8vo, 24,5 x 19 cm.
$250Greatness Revisited. Edited by Harry Zorn. Zweig, Friderike M.
Boston; [1971], Branden Press. Limited Edition. 152 pp. HC large 8vo, 23,5 x 15,5 cm.
$ 25Maggie Smith. A Bright Particular Star. Coveney, Michael.
London; 1992, Victor Gollancz. First Edition. 286 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30A Catafalque for David Hill. Edited and compiled by Virgil Burnett in collaboration with Anne Pippin Burnett, Robin Magown, Joseph Plaskett. [NEW] Burnett, Virgil, Editor.
Stratford; 1986, Pasdeloup Press. First Edition. 59 pp. Softcover 8vo, 20.3x22.6cm.
$ 150Elisabeth. Die seltsame Frau. Nach dem schriftlichen Nachlass der Kaiserin, den Tagebüchern ihrer Tochter und sonstigen unveröffentlichten Tagebüchern und Dokumenten. 17 Bildtafeln bisher meist unbekannter Photos. 12. Auflage,34.- 36. Tausend. Signiert von E. C. Conte Corti mit Dedikation To Mrs. Flora Mc Crea Eaton with compliments. 1935. (Lady Eaton der kanadischen Eaton Company) Conte Corti, Egon Caesar.
Salzburg, Leipzig; 1935, Pustet. XXIV, 542, 10 S. Verlagsanzeigen. Oln. 8vo.
$ 95A Private View of Stanley Spencer. Collis, Louise.
London; 1972, Heinemann. Signed Edition. (8) 166 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35Johann August Sutter. Lauritzen, Jonreed.
Zürich; 1966, Thomas-Verlag. First Edition. 299 pp. Oln. 8vo.
$ 20We Didn't Ask Utopia. A Quaker Family in Soviet Russia. Timbres, Harry and Rebecca.
New York, Toronto; 1943, Prentice-Hall, Progress. First Canadian Edition. 290 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 25Norman McLaren. Collins, Maynard.
Ottawa; 1976, , Canadian Film Institute, Institute canadiens du film. First Edition. 119 ppl. Softcover 8vo.
$ 350CHRONICLES OF CANADA. Complete in 32 volumes. {various Can. authors, Stephen Leacock, Laurence Burpee, Agnes Laut, Oscar D. Skelton, William Wood, e.a.] various authors.
Toronto, ; 1920, Glasgow, Brook & Company. ca. 120 pp. each volume. HC 12mo, 18,5 x 12,5 cm.
$ 395CHRONICLES OF CANADA. Complete in 32 volumes. various authors.
Toronto, ; 1920, Glasgow, Brook & Company. ca. 120 pp. each volume. HC 12mo, 18,5 x 12,5 cm.
Boston; 1839, Charles C. Little. xiii, 411, xviii, 509, xvi, 531 pp. HC 8vo, 23 x 14,5 cm.
$ 20TO A STRANGE LAND. The autobiography of Marjorie Agnes Powles. Powles, Marjorie Agnes.
Dundas, ON; 1993, , Artemis Enterprises. Signed Edition. iv, 138 pp plus 7 pp. index. Softcover 8vo.
$ 20POLIO CHILD. My Life From a Children's Hospital to a Post-Polio Syndrome. Rankmore, Carol.
Victoria, BC; 2016, Friesen Press. Signed Edition. xiii, 180 pp. Softcover 8vo, .
$ 15SONNTAGE. Jacobs, Christa.
n. p. [Toronto; 1988, Eigenverlag. Limited Signed. 32 pp. brosch. 8vo.
$ 30TOTENTANZ 1914-15. AUS DEM SKIZZENBUCH EINES FELDARZTES. Mit 17 Abbildungen aus Holbeins "Totentanz" und Schlüters "Totenmasken" Hahn, Dr. Gerhard.
Leipzig; 1915, Johannes Ambrosius Barth. First Edition. 94 S. Hln. 8vo.
Zürich, ; 1936, 1937, Europa Verlag. 463, 390 S. plus Dokumente. Oln. 8vo.
Boston; 2005, Public Affairs, Perseus Books. xvii, 348pp. HC 8v.
$ 15In Hiding. The Life of Manuel Cortes. [NEW] Fraser, Ronald,
London; 1972, Allen Lane. First Edition. XVI, 238 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20Cortés and Montezuma. Collis, Maurice:
London; 1954, Faber & Faber. 251 [5] pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20THE PILLAR OF FIRE. Stern, Karl.
Garden City; 1961, Image Books - Doubleday. 278 pp.+ booklist. Softcover 12mo.
Erin, ON.; 1988, , The Porcupine's Quill. First Edition. 193, (4) pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 10Alexander Pushkin. A Celebration of Russia's best-loved writer. [NEW] Briggs, A.D.P., Edited by.
London; n.d. [1999], Hazar. First Edition. xxi, 208 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 75MYSELF AND THE THEATRE. [signed] Komisarjevsky, Theodore.
New York; 1930, E. P. Dutton. Signed Edition. 205 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15MATA HARI. Courtesan and Spy. Coulson, Major Thomas.
London; n.d. [ca. 1935], Hutchinson. 255, 1 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 850THE WORLD OF YESTERDAY. An Autobiography. Zweig, Stefan.
London; 1943, Cassell and Company. First British Edition. 339 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30YEAGER. AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. [FIRST ED. Advanace Reading Copy]. Yeager, Chuck and Leo Janos.
Toronto, New York, London; 1985, Bantam Books. First Edition. (10), 331 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 40FOR YOUR EYE ALONE. LETTERS 1976 - 1995. Selected and Edited by Judith Skelton Grant. [NEW] Davies, Robertson.
Toronto; 1999, McClelland and Stewart. First Edition. xiii, 402 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25AND HEARING NOT. ANNALS OF AN ADMAN. Calkins, Earnest Elmo.
New York; 1946, Charles Scribner's. First Edition. xiii387 pp. Softcover 8vo,.
$ 25THE ANTE -ROOM. Early Stages in a Literary Life. Dickson, Lovat.
Thornhill, Ontario; 1959, MacMillan of Canada. First Edition. (8), 270, (2) pp. HC 8vo.
Berlin; 1944, W. Keiper. First Edition. 31 pp. brosch. 8vo.
$ 50THE FIRST MAN. Translated from the French by David Hapgood. Camus, Albert.
New York, ; 1995, Alfred Knopf. First US Edition. viii, 325 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 35Transcanada Letters. Kiyooka, Roy.
Vancouver, ; 1975, Talonblooks. First Edition. unpaginated, ca. 500 pp. Softcover 4to 28 x 22 cm.
$ 95IS SHAKESPEARE DEAD? From My Autobiography. Twain, MARK [SAMUEL L. CLEMENS].
New York and London; 1909, Harper & Brothers. First Edition. (12), 150 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 17.50THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHN TRAVIS, MEDIEVAL SCHOLAR. [ca. 1342-1402] [NEW] Fowler, David.
Seattle and London; 1995, University of Washington Press. First Edition. xv, 281 pp. HC 8vo.
London; 1972, Jonathan Cape. First Edition. 257 pp. HC 8v.
$ 60IN SPITE OF MYSELF. A MEMOIR. [SIGNED] Plummer, Christopher.
New York, Toronto; 2008, Alfred Knopf. First Edition. 647, (3) pp. HC 8vo.
London, The Strand; 1807, F. Cadell and W. Davies. Vol. I, xxxv, 478, vol. II, 496, vol. III, 480, vol. iv, 522 pp., . Leather 8vo,.
$ 75THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS. A Theatrical Life Vienna, Berlin, Hollywood. Viertel, Salka.
New York; 1969, Holt, Rinehart. (10) 338 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 55TWENTY-FOUR PORTRAITS. With critical appreciations by various hands. Rothenstein, William.
New York, ; 1920, Harcourt, Brace and Company. Limited Edition. unpaginated [ca. 100 pp.]. HC 8vo.
; [1821], [Jones & Co. 548, vi pp. Leather 8vo, .
$ 150Time and Chance. An Autobiography. [SIGNED FIRST EDITION] Townsend, Peter.
London; 1978, Collins. Signed Edition. 317 pp. HC 8vo.
London; 1928, , Anthroposophical Publishing. First Edition. (8) 339, 7 pp. HC 8vo.
New York; 2003, Norton. First Edition. 254 pp. HC 8vo.
Saanichton, BC, ; 1978, Hancock House. Limited Signed. 408 pp. HC large 8vo, 23 x 21 cm.
$ 495THE LETTERS OF VIRGINIA WOOLF. Complete in 6 Volumes. Edited by Nigel Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann. Woolf, Virginia.
London; 1975-1980, Hogarth Press. First Edition. ca. 3000 pp. HC 8vo.
London; 1989, Barrie & Jenkins. First Edition. 207 pp. HC 8vo, .
Toronto; 1997, Natural Heritage Books. Signed Edition. 254, 2 pp. Softcover 4to, .
$ 50DICTIONARY OF CANADIAN BIOGRAPHY VOLUME X 1871 to 1880. Brown, George W., General Editor, Marcel Trudel, Andre Vachon:.
Toronto; 1972, , University of Toronto Press. xxix, 823 pp. HC 4to.
$ 40VILLALONGA. [1927-2018] Translated and adapted by Dr. Malcolm Spicer. [SIGNED BY VILLALONGA, FIRST ED.] Descharnes, Robert.
Barcelona; 1971, Editorial Juventad. First Edition. 97 [3] pp. HC small folio.
$ 50DICTIONNAIRE BIOGRAPHIQUE DU CANADA VOLUME XIII DE 1901 A 1910. Cook, Ramsay, General Editor, Marcel Trudel, Andre Vachon:.
Toronto; 1994, University of Toronto Press et les Presses de l'université Laval. xxi, 1396 pp. HC 4to.
Mississauga; 1989, Joyce Beaton Enterprises. Signed Edition. XII, 200 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 40FELIX PAUL GREVES KARRIERE. Frederick Philip Grove in Deutschland. (NEW) Martens, Klaus.
St. Ingbert; 1997, Röhrig Univesitätsverlag. First Edition. 406, (2) S. kart. 4to 24 x 17 cm.
$ 45LORD STRATHCONA. THE STORY OF HIS LIFE. [First Ed.] Willson, Beckles.
London; 1902, Methuen. First Edition. xii 288, (40) pp. Catalogue. HC 8vo.
Toronto; 1911, 1973, William Briggs [Coles]. xxix, 439 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 50UNWRITTEN MEMOIRS. edited by Elisabeth Plessen and Michael Mann, Translated from the German by Hunter and Hildegarde Hannum. Mann, Katia.
New York; 1975, , Alfred A. Knopf. First US Edition. ix, 165 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30CHINA DIARY. TH LIFE OF MARY AUSTIN ENDICOTT. [Signed] Endicott, Shirley Jane.
Waterloo, ON.; 2003, Wilfrid Laurier Universit. Signed Edition. xv, 251 pp. Softcover 8vo.
New York; 1930, Charles Boni. First Edition. 217, (5) pp. Softcover 12mo.
New York; 2000, Farrar, Straus and Giroux. First Edition. 170 pp. HC 8vo.
Toronto; 1974, University of Toronto Press. First Edition. viii, 74 pp. HC 4to long n18 x 24 cm.
$ 25ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Thomas, Benjamin P.
Wiesbaden; 1955, Limes Verlag. First Edition. 537 S. Oln. 8vo.
Chapel Hill; 1983, The University of North Carolina Press. First Edition. xxv, 390 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 12F. R. SCOTT AND HIS WORKS. Djwa, Sandra,
Toronto, ; n. d. (ca. 1984), ECW Press. First Edition. 55 pp. Softcover 8vo, .
$ 35HAWORTH. A PORTRAIT OF THE BRONTES. [First, signed ed.] Cross, Beverley.
Toronto; 1978, Theatrebooks. Signed Edition. 56 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 25A SELFTOLD LIFE. [Ein selbsterzähltes Leben] Translated by Naomi Jackson Groves. [NEW]. Barlach, Ernst.
Waterloo, On.; 2001, Penumbra Press. First thus. 103 pp. Softcover 45o, 26 x 18cm.
$ 35LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN HEILIGENSTÄDTER TESTAMENT. Herausgegeben zum 125. Todestag des Meisters von Hedwig M. v. Asow. Beethoven, Ludwid van.
Hamburg; 1952, Verlag Eberhard Stichnote. First thus. 37 S. kart. 8vo1 24 x 16 cm.