History Titles
Print this catalogue?$ 28A Mirror for Ruffians. Lindsay, Philip
London; 1939, Linsay Drummond. First Edition. 382 pp 2 ads. HC 8vo.
$ 60A City in the Making. Progress, People & Perils in Victorian Toronto. Armstrong, Frederick H.
Toronto and Oxford; 1988, Dundurn Press. Signed Edition. 358 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 150Theatre Royal Drury Lane. Pope, W. J. Maqueen.
London; 1945, W. H. Allen. Signed Edition. 350 ppl. HC 8vo.
$ 95La guerre de l'opium. (Foreign Mud) Traduit de l'anglais par Marc et Francois Laugier. Collis, Maurice.
Paris; 1948, Calmann-Lévy. Signed Edition. 338 pp. Softcover 12mo.
$ 35The Dear Old Farm. A Canadian Story. Malcolm [pseud. for Colin M. Sinclair]
St. Thoma, ON; 1897, The Journal. 198 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 45Germany and Europe: The Politics of Culture. Proceedings of a DAAD Conference at the University of Toronto, Sept. 1990 Timm, Eitel, Edited by
Columbia, SC; 1991, Camden House. First Edition. 57, [2], 7 blank pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30The Bibliography of Ontario History. La Bibliographie d'histoire ontarienne 1976-1986. [NEW] Gervais, Gaétan, Gwenda Hallsworth and Ashley Thmson:
Toronto & Oxford; 1989, Dundurn Press. First Edition. xxxiv, 605 pp. HC 4to.
$ 85Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belorussia. Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy:
Princeton; 1981, Princeton University Press. First Edition. xliii, 629[1] pp. HC 8vo.
$ 15Maitland "A Very Neat Village Indeed" Otto, Stephen A., in a concordant confederacy with Richard M. Dumbrille
Erin, On.; 1985, Boston Mills Press. First Edition. 137 [plus 6 pp index]pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 125Prinz Heinrich von Preussen - Bruder Friedrichs des Großen. Easum, C. V.:
Göttingen, Berlin; 1958, Musterschmidt Verlag. 557 pp plus 2 catalogue. Oln. 8vo.
$ 35Der Tod in Texas. Eine amerikanische Tragödie. Habe, Hans:
München; 1964, Kurt Desch. First Edition. 351 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 50Cortés and Montezuma. Collis, Maurice:
London; 1954, Faber & Faber. Signed Edition. 251 [5] pp. HC 8vo.
$ 75The Arrow and the Sword. An Essay in Detection being an enquiry into the nature of the deaths of William Rufus and Thomas Becket, with some reflectionson the nature of medieval heresy. Williamson, Hugh Ross, With a preface by Canon V. A. Demant.
London; 1955, Faber & Faber. Signed Edition. xxiv, 182 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 40The Arrow and the Sword. An Essay in Detection being an enquiry into the nature of the deaths of William Rufus and Thomas Becket, with some reflectionson the nature of medieval heresy. Williamson, Hugh Ross, With a preface by Canon V. A. Demant.
London; 1955, Faber & Faber. First Edition. xxiv, 182 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 75Deutsche Erinnerungen in Rom. Hohenemser, Ernst
Napoli; 1938, Editrice Rispoli Anonima,. Signed Edition. 194 [2] pp. brosch. 8vo.
$ 75Empire and Communications. Revised by Mary Q. Innis, Foreword by Marshall McLuhan. Innis, Harold A. [Adams]
Toronto; 1972, University of Toronto Press. xii, [4] 184 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 20The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America vol. 84:2, June 1990. Peterson, William S., Sandra Molyneaux, Editors.
New York; 1990, The Bibliographical Society of America. (11) 120 to 212, (16) pp. Softcover 8vo, 23 x 15.5 cm.
$ 40The Families of Merigold's Point. Martin, Dorothy L.
Mississauga; 1984,., Mississauga Heritage Foundation. First Edition. 155 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 30For King and Country. Lieutenant Colonel John By, R. E. Indefatigable Civil-Military Engineer. Andrews, Mark.
Merrickville; 1998, The Heritage Merrickville Foundation. First Edition. 238 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 30Life in Cornwall at the End of the Nineteenth Century. Being Extracts From the West Briton Newspaper in the Years From1876 to 1899 Selected and Edited by Rita M. Barton. -
Truro; 1974, Bradford Barton. First Edition. 174 pp. HC 8vo.