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History Titles

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$ 20Festschrift zum 10. Albendorfer Heimattreffen in der Patenstadt Telgte am 30., 31. Mai 1992. Melchers, Hans.
Telgte; 1992, Vorstand der Heimatgemeinschaft Albendorf. 64 S. brosch. 8vo.

$ 20Festschrift zum 10. Albendorfer Heimattreffen in der Patenstadt Telgte am 30., 31. Mai 1992. Melchers, Hans.
Telgte; 1992, Vorstand der Heimatgemeinschaft Albendorf. 64 S. brosch. 8vo.

$ 350An Epitome of History; or, A Concise View of the Most Important Revolutions, and Events, Which are recorded in the Histories of the Principal Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Republics, now subsisting in the World; also their Forms of Government: Accompanied with short Accounts of the different Religions which prevail; their peculiar Doctrines, Ceremonies, Worship, Institutions, and Ecclesiastical Government. Payne, John.
London; 1794, J. Johnson, Scatchard and Whitaker. First Edition. 373 pp. Leather 8vo.

$ 20Rebellion. A Novel of Upper Canada. Suitably Embellished with Scratchboard Illustrations by Gerard Brender a Brandis. Brandis, Marianne.
Erin, ON; 2001, The Porcupine's Quill. Signed Edition. 284 pp. Softcover 8vo.

$ 15The Growth of English Overseas Trade in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Minchinton, W. E., edited with an introduction by.
London; 1969, Methuen. First Edition. [10], 196 pp. HC 8vo.

$ 35A History of New Brunswick for Use in Public Schools. Hay, G. U.
Toronto; 1903, W. J. Gage. First Edition. 176 pp. HC 12mo.

$ 250Our Heroes in The Great World War. Giving facts and details of Canada's part in the greatest war in history. Including Photoengravings of Officers, Nurses, Non-commissioned Officers and Men from Ottawa, Ontario, and vicinity. de Wolfe, Compiled by J. H.
Ottawa; 1919, The Patriotic Publishing Co. First Edition. 415 pp. . HC Folio, 31,5x24 cm.

$ 30The Story of Waterloo; or, The Fall of Napoleon. Anonymous.
London, ; 1875, William P. Nimmo. 127, 8 pp. advertising. HC 16mo, 17x11 cm.

$ 20A Brief Numismatic History of Bristol being a Guide to the Bristol coins, tokens, and Medals in the City Museum, Bristol, and in thter collections. Grinsell, L. V.
Bristol; 1962, , City Museum, Bristol. 28 pp. Softcover 8vo, .

$ 20William Blake (1757-1827). Organized by The British Council Paris - Antwerp - Zürich. Russell, Archibald G. B, Foreword, Eric McLagan, Introduction.
[London]; 1947, Tate Gallery. First Edition. 40 pp. text, 42 plates. Softcover small 4to.

$ 20The Old Houses of Shrewsbury. Their History and Associations Forrest, H. E.
n. p., [Shrewsbury]; 1972, Wilding and Son. [6], 93, XIII, [10]. Softcover 12mo.

$ 20The Old Houses of Shrewsbury. Their History and Associations Forrest, H. E.
n. p., [Shrewsbury]; 1972, Wilding and Son. [6], 93, XIII, [10]. Softcover 12mo.

$ 30The Book of Chesham. An Historical Anthology in Pictures. Birch, Clive.
Buckingham; 1989, Barracuda Books. 164 pp. HC Folio 31x22cm.

$ 20Deutscher Glaube Deutsches Vaterland Deutsche Bildung. Das Wesentliche aus seinen Schriften ausgewählt und eingeleitet von Friedrich Daab. de Lagarde, Paul.
Jena; 1913, Eugen Diederichs. First Edition. [4], VIII, 219, [1], 4 pp. Katalog. kart. 8vo.

$ 15The Tide of Divorce. Latey, William.
London, ; 1970, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green; and John Andrews. First Edition. xi, 172 pp. HC 8vo.

$ 75Biography of the Hon. W. [William] H. [Hamilton] Merritt, M. P. [1793 - 1862] of Lincoln, District of Niagara, Including an Account of the Origin, Progress and Completion of Some of the Most Important Public Works in Canada. Compiled Principally from his Original Diary and Correspondence. Merritt, J. [Jediah] P. [Prendergast].
St. Catherines; 1875, F. S. Leavenworth. First Edition. frontisp., ]4], xi, 429 pp., plus map. HC 8vo, 22 x 15 cm.

$ 150Babylon Electrified. The History of an Expedition Undertaken to Restore Ancient Babylon by the Power of Electricity and How it Resulted. Translated Fro the French by Frank Linstow White. Illustrated by Montader. Bleunard, A.
London, ; 1890, Chapman & Hall. First Edition. 304 pp. HC large 8vo, 23 x 16 cm.

$ 25Select Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons. Improved Uniform Series: Course for 1929. Some Great Christian Teachings. Prophetic Teaching and Leadership of Judah. Some Social Teachings of the Bible. Wells, Amos R., Francis N. Peloubet.
Boston; n.d. [1929], W. A. Wilde Co. 384 pp. HC 8v.

$ 45The People's Mouths. Cross, Austin F.
Toronto; 1944, MacMillan. Signed Edition. [8], 171 pp. HC 8vo.

$ 30Pioneer Days in London. Some Account of Men and Things in London before it became a City. Campbell, Cl. T., M. D. Honorary President of the London & Middlesex Historical Society
London; 1921, Advertiser Job Printing Company. First Edition. 128 pp. HC large 8vo, 23,5x16cm.

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