History Titles
Print this catalogue?$ 50Towns of New England and Old England Ireland and Scotland. Part I and II. Connecting Links between Cities and Towns of New England and Those of the Same Name in England, Ireland and Scotland Containing Narratives Descriptions, and Many Views, some done from Old Prints. Also much Matter pertaining to The Founders and Settlers of New England and to their Memorials on both sides of the Atlantic. Printed to Commenmorate The Tercentenary of The Landing of the Pilgrims. Forbes, Allen,
Boston; 1920, 1921, State Street Trust Co. First Edition. 225 + 226 pp. Softcover 4to.
$ 140Age of the Grand Tour: Containing Sketches of the Manners, Society,and Customs of France, Flanders, The United Provinces, Germany, Switzerland and Italy in the letters, journals and writings of the most celebrated voyagers between the yearas 1720 and 1820. -
New York; 1967, Crown Publishers. First Edition. 136 pp. Cloth Elephant folio (long).
$ 45Index to the Publications of the Ontario Historical Society 1899-1972 Armstrong, David
Toronto; 1974, Ontario Historical Society. First Edition. 175 pp. PB 21,5 x 16,5 cm.
$ 15Slavery and the Politics of Liberalism 1787-1861 A Study of Liberated African Emigration and British Anti-Slavery Policy. Asiegbu, Johnson U. J.
London; 1969, Longmans. First Edition. XVI, 231 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 30Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls or War on the White Slave Trade. Bell, Ernest A.
; 1911, L.H. Walter. 482 pp. Cloth 8 1/4 x 6".
$ 30The Hundredth Year. The United States in 1876. Bergamini, John D.,
New York; 1976, G. P. Putnam's Sons. First Edition. 402 pp. HC 8vo 23,5x16,5cm.
$ 30Wartime Chronicle: Vera Brittain's Diary 1939-1945 Bishop, Alan and Y. Aleksandra Bennett eds.
London; 1989, Victor Gollancz. 352 pp. Cloth
$ 48Gedanken und Erinnerungen Bd. 3. Erinnerung und Gedanke. Bismarck, Fuerst Otto von
Stuttgart und Berlin; 1922, J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung. First Edition. 207 pp. Oln. small 4to.
$ 20Life of David Livingstone Blaikie, William Garden
London; 1880, 1911, John Murray. 412 pp. Cloth
$ 16.50Jose Marti. Apostel des freien Amerika. Schnelle, Kurt.
Köln; 1981, Pahl-Rugenstein. First Edition. 128 S. Oln. 8vo.
$ 9.50Mitre and Sceptre. Transatlantic Faiths, Ideas, Personalities and Politics 1689-1775. [NEW] Bridenbaugh, Carl.
London, Oxford; 1962, Oxford University Press. First Edition. xx, 354 pp. Softcover 8vo.
$ 50GESCHICHTE DER KIRCHE RUSSLANDS. I. Theil nebst einer Erläuterung des Gottesdienstes der morgenländischen Kirche nach seiner symbolischen Bedeutung. II. Theil nebst dem russischen Catechismus. Philaret, weiland Erzbischof von Tschernigow.
Frankfurt, London, Paris; 1872, Josef Baer, Sotheran, Co. First Edition. XXII, 414, 399 S. Half Leather 8vo 22,5 x 14,5 cm.
$ 45Memoirs of the Private Life of Marie Antoinette to which are added personal recollections illustra- tive of the reigns of Louis XIV, XV, XVI Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette
New York; 1917, 1934, Tudor Publishing Co. 459 pp. Cloth
$ 75Livingstone: A New Biography Campbell, R.J.
London; 1929, Ernest Benn. 370 pp. Cloth
$ 20Young Melbourne Cecil, David
London; 1939, Constable. 278 pp. Cloth
$ 20Loot! The Heritage of Plunder. Chamberlin, Russell.
New York; 1983, Facts on File. First Edition. 248 pp. Cloth 8vo.
$ 45The Annals of the Strand Topographical and Historical. Chancellor, Beresford E.
London, ; 1912, Chapman & Hall. First Edition. XI, 366 pp incl. index plus advertising pages. HC 8vo, .
$ 20Rome and a Villa. Clark, Eleanor
Garden City; 1952, Doubleday. First Edition. 315 pp. HC 8vo.
$ 25Privileged Ones: Volume V of Children of Crisis. Coles, Robert.
Boston; 1971, Little, Brown and Co. First Edition. 583 pp. Cloth 8 1/2 x 5 3/4".
$ 50Life and Times of the Right Honourable Sir John A. MacDonald, Premier of the Dominion of Canada. Collins, J. E.
Toronto; 1883, Rose Publishing Co. xii, 642 pp. Quarter Leather 8vo.